Show Grass Fire Warning issued in County Warning MURRAY Warning was issued Friday by J J. W. W Clay chief of the Salt Lake county fire department against danger of fires developing from ripening weeds on county fields Ample water and spring showers have resulted in an exceptionally heavy growth of June grass Chief Clay said which is ripening rap- rap rapidly idly I The grass burns rapidly and the fire is nearly as difficult as gasoline gasoline gasoline gaso- gaso line to extinguish he said Unless Unless Un less immediate precautions are taken taken ta- ta ken Iken there will be severe property damage and possibly loss of life from grass fires before the se season is over recommends recommends' two j Chief Clay steps leps to prevent the fire hazard 4 J 1 Plow 1 Plow under at least one rod hi of ground around grain fields or areas reas on which the June grass grassl grassis l is growing 2 Burn 2 Burn the grass around build- build ings lings The fires should be watched closely by men who have supplies of wet burlap sacks shovels and hoes on hand f Smokers must use care in throwing throwIng throw- throw ring Ing away their he said Many any serious fires have started by burning being thrown onto Wry dry dry grass |