Show Sports Body Gathers for Annual Meet Members ers of the Utah S State State- tat e Sportsmens Sportsmen's association convened for their annual business meeting Friday afternoon at the chamber of commerce and to discuss current problems and legislation affecting sportsmen Forest service officials livestock growers farmers and members of county fish and game associations have all been Invited to attend by Harold Makin akin of Provo organization tion president The general public Is invited to Saturdays Saturday's sessions which open at 1930 a. a m. m and 2 p. p m. m in the after after- noon Featured speakers at the tha closing session Saturday will be E. E M. M Bagley who will report on legislation legislation legislation legis legis- lation and D D. H. H Madsen supervisor supervisor supervisor super super- visor of fish resources for the national national na na- na- na parks service Saturday morning Benardi president of the Emery Carbon Fish and Game association Newell B. B Cook state state- fish and game commissioner commissioner com corn missioner and Willard Coxey former head of the Weber association tion will be principal speakers Mr Doxey will discuss the 1938 1936 duck situation as it affected huntIng hunting hunt hunt- ing in Utah Speakers Speaker's scheduled Friday afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- noon were Orange A A. Olsen Joseph Francis James I L. L Nielsen George Georga C. C Young Dan Stevens Gus Guj P. P Backman and Dr D. D 1 I. |