Show INGHAM BINGHA ROAD TUNNEL PLANS ARE REVEALED Agreement Sub Submitted mitte q to S. S L. L County on Bore Plans of the Utah Copper company company company com com- pany to construct a foot vehicular tunnel between Bingham Bingham Bing Bing- ham and Copperfield eliminating feet of hl highway hway were revealed Friday with submission of a proposed pro pro- posed agreement to the the county county com corn mission The agreement It was explained was necessary because the road is 11 part of the county system The tunnel would be built it was reported to permit the company to develop new ore beds adjacent to the section of the road that would be bo cut off The firm already Ji Is working on beds close to the road I Bingham Portal As explained to the commission the ic Bingham portal would be adjacent adjacent ad- ad jacent to the Carr fork junction and andic the ic other end would open in Copperfield Copperfield Copper Copper- field up the canyon from Bingham The tunnel would have a curvature curva curva- ture ure of three degrees and a grade grad of f degrees Its Iu length would b be feet I i I I All cost would be oe borne oy bY me we company according to the agree ment nent which was drafted by the Copper company parent of the Utah Copper company I IOne One lane for traffic would be pro vided apparently because motor travel ravel is not heavy between Bing Bingham ham lam and Copperfield with bypasses inside the tunnel t Traffic would be controlled by stop and go semaphores Approval al Expected Approval of the agreement WI was wa-s expected upon minor revisions of the he proposed agreement Commis J. J B B. Mullins and J. J R. R Raw Raw- lins ins gave proxies to Commissioner B. B 3 F. F Quinn chairman of the board with the understanding they were to o be exercised upon approval by County Surveyor George George- M M. Haley of plans and specifications It was reported the commission delayed immediate approval be because because because be- be cause it wanted assurance sufficient parking space would be provided at each ach portal enabling automobiles to o wait walt until inbound traffic started |