Show il I I I I N I M N O S 5 Q I I I I. I D Pi U DES L E F 3 S Q T T I I U U I T F P F T P The By Ne News PAUL i s Behind rh MALLON i the News I W WASHINGTON ASHINGTON Several confidential confidential confidential con con- dinners for business men men have been staged in New York since election by prominent unofficial unofficial unofficial friends of the new deal The apparent purpose W was wa to promote a better understanding of government among the busness business business busi bus ness leaders who are anxious to cooperate if they can only find out what is expected of them The move seems to be the first realistic step toward establishment establish establish- ment of the mutually desirable era of good feeling The obligations of business men toward the social ocial security act and toward administration aims alms of improving hours hourS' and wages were among the things di discussed cussed No reporters were invited and no publicity was sought because of the unofficial and preliminary nature of the tle di discussions However However However How How- ever an excellent authority here says that three dinners have been held so so far r that 4 more are to to come and that one of the backers backers back back- ers em of the plan is isE is-B Bernard Baruch the leading fri friend nd of the new dealin deal dealIn dealIn In financial circles iThe i The dinners may lead leai to a a later series of official meetings of f business business business busi busi- ness leaders and government officials officials of of- here Retrenchment The insiders around WP A will admit if you can catch them in ina ina ina a confidential mood that their widely advertised savings are more advertised than wide Much has been published about the sharp reductions in their administrative administrative administrative ad ad- force What is said to be contemplated actually is a reduction of about 10 per cent among their administrative It does not appear to tobe tobe be ibe entirely an economy move Juta but Jut buta a natural result of the voluntary curtailment in the number of relief workers About 3 per cent per month are retiring vol vol- Official figures show a reduction reduction reduction tion from relief workers last March to at the latest latest lat lat- est accounting but these figures include and some direct re re- re lief Their real figure now is supposed to be down to This is not large enough to furnish furnish fur fur- furnish nish workers workers' for all the WP A projects which are contemplated and much outside skilled labor will have to be hired Note There Note There will be no trouble about getting WP A funds through congress this year Harry Hopkins Hopkins Hop Hop- kins had much difficulty last year with senators who thought he was waS throwing away money His appropriations w vere Pere ere held up for months This year the senators are i in lna a different mood C Customs Planners of President Roosevelt's Roosevelt's Roosevelt's Roose Roose- velt's inaugural are said to have cautioned him against an outdoor ceremony in one of their private White H House t e meetings They pointed out that it is likely y to be bes snowing or orne near near r zero here in mid mid- s January advis advised an d an in indoor in-i in 1 door ceremony or closed stands Mr Roosevelt objected strongly strong strong- ly He said that even if a blizzard is blowing and the thermometer is at zero he intends to renew h his s office in the same spot and in m the same way as his predecessors bareheaded in front of the crowd The suggestion then was offered offered offered of of- that he might go back inside inside in inside in- in side and deliver his inaugural over loudspeakers if the weather Js Is extreme Probably some such arrangements will be made In all other respects this first January inaugural is apparently to be the same as March inaugurals inaugurals inaugurals in the past with no concessions concessions concessions con con- cessions to the weather veather Note The Note The stands are being en- en this year to- to seat the congressmen in proper proper style Heretofore the lowly legislators have been permitted to crowd around the pillars The press stands also are being enlarged to accommodate the 30 per cent more newsmen registered here since the new deal started making news four years ago t Dissatisfaction The rumor that Harry Harr Hopkins may get out to take that Chicago position has been going around for a long time It has always been denied officially whenever it has appeared but that does not necessarily mean anything these days The WP A administrator re received received received re- re a raise in pay to from the last congress and no one knows more than he does about WP V A. A At the same time the job of paring down is not one exactly suited to his talents and Later on he will certainly hit the outward trail f 1 Lone Lone Worker What 3 J. J Edgar Hoover apparently apparently n needs eds i is ft p good publicity man roan Growls were heard among congressmen congressmen con con- gressmen when th they y read in the papers that the investigation bureau bureau bureau bu bu- bu- bu reau chief had scooped New York and New Jersey police in the capture capture cap cap- ture of another bandit The congressmen congressmen con con- congressmen gressmen have heard similar complaints complaints com corn plaints from at af least six other city police authorities and one organization of state troopers There is no question that several congressmen and at least two senators would like to get Hoover out He is going to have more trouble than he had with the New York police when his annual annual annual an an- nual appropriation bill comes up next year Copyright 19 1936 1036 6 f for r The Telegram |