Show GET RELIEF FROM MISERABLE HEAD 1 COLDS TREATMENT I t PEN ETRO NOSE DROPS J BOTTLES BOTTLES 30 n PULLMAN J TA IN w THE STATE M q PULLMAN WHOLESALE TAILORS ARE ARE MADE m THEIR OWN SHOP AND YOU AT THEIR SHOP I A ls f t Hplu C J aj VOU t t Li OR OR 2 SUITS FOR TilE THE SAME SAl PRICE Another Group SUIT and Both for 2850 TaU TI 1 s sI I and anca su West Temp Be i C k i I f I O n C ft f a t e 0 t DEPENDABLE wide nation-wide Railway Express picks up all packages on phone call without extra charge in cities and principal towns They are forwarded at express train speed delivered promptly and carefully receipted for For For- special extra-special speed and minute last packages theres there's Air Express 2500 miles overnight and a iiI grand surpriser for far far-a far away far way f ou can reach them all for Rai Railway Railway Express Express has wide nation-wide offices Size of packages makes no difference large or or small Railway Express gives them all the same prom prompt t careful attention with insurance up to io 50 on on n each shipment additional cost Rates are low and the service ce is is' complete completer To get it at your home or office phone any Railway Express or Western Union office and instruct the he stores to ship by Railway Express 1 C 26 24 W. W SECOND SECOND SOUTH Wasatch DEPOT OFFICES SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAn South Tem Temple TemIe le and 3rd West Vest Wasatch Third South 5 Rio lUn Grande Ave Are Wasatch West Temple and South Temple Wasatch RAT RAILWAY EXPRESS S S AGENCY INC W ON N W J OE RAI RAIL AIR L. L AI R 5 CE 1 E R E. E 1 I J Y J o i 11 1 C f. f I COAL LUMP LUl and STOVE DELIVERED Ton J-Ton Lots or More Mori Inquire about our budget payment payment pay pay- ment plan for your our winters winter supply SINGLE TONS FURNACE LUMP STOVE TOVE NUT PEA Spring Canyon and Diamond Coals Guaranteed American Goal Go Co 1100 South lain Alain Hyland 2823 Ji q I I ilz J r 1 l lC 4 j C xi C SHIRTS 2 to 5 k 4 White or 01 colored colored- 4 r the most acc acceptable p of OZ aU all gifts y L 4 I TIES A 4 1 to 50 y Welcomed singly or I when given with CC harmonizing shirts C tt 1 1 t r i 1 A I 2 1 c- c 4 C PAJAMAS PAJAl j C 2 to ta C Newest styles and S C C p patterns in a aS va variety rie of ot materials materia 0 P Pick ck ilac ilie Rig d Gift 01 oi HI HIM I I bIS bI'S bI C. C S 1 GIVE A ROBE to husband fath father r i. i O They're the ideal gift fo for any ny man of f ari any gc t S Cocktail Jackets make fine fin presents for the h d SWEATERS young man A flannel 5 to smoking jacket is always Nothing more wel welcome w welcomed v l med by his his' eld elders s. s I come to energetic young men n. n S Silk Robes 1000 19 30 Flannel Robes to 15 Cocktail Jackets 12 1250 50 to 20 I Smoking Jackets 8 50 r. r Something to wear vear is most acceptable to toi any hY- hY GLOVES man It is doubly valued if if it it bears bears' th the 5 f to 6 Arthur Frank Label which always means Pigskin gauntlet or dr dI ana high quality and good taste snap snap-on styles Beginning Sat Store Saturday Stole Open Until S 9 p p. p nt Until Christmas Arthur Atthur Frank SLIP SLIPPERS 3 to 5 South Main St St. Varied colors and t to match S S any eny robe s. s i |