Show Orpheum Gives Joe E. E Brown Airline Drama Presenting the irrepressible Joe JoeE E. E Brown as an American youth re recently recently re re- returned from front China bringing bringing bring bring- ing with him a solemn valet and an unlimited supply of tall tales and a picture of the glamour and the adventure of orthe the huge airliners airliners airliners air air- liners which span the continent the Orpheum theater currently shows a awell awell awell well balanced and diversified pro pro- gram As Joe Bolton BoRon in the picture Polo Joe Joe E E. Brown returns home from China to the arms of his adorIng adoring adoring ador ador- ing gushing and rich Aunt Minnie a member of an extremely swanky polo playing colony Joe immediately immediate immediate- ly falls in love with pretty Mary Hilton a neighbor who recognizes no hero but a polo player He brags so much about his skill at the game that he is finally shamed into becoming an active member of the local polo club Valet Comes to Aid AM To get him out of his fix the valet with more enthusiasm than judgment judgment judg judg- ment hires a couple of thugs to kidnap kidnap kidnap kid kid- nap Joe before the big game of the season In spite of the elaborate precautions precautions precautions Joe is forced into the game Through a series of lucky and hilarious accidents Joe saves the 1 game for his team and thereby wins the girl Carol Hughes who made such a hit with Joe in Earthworm Tractors Tractors Trac Trac- tors tom is delightful as the pretty polo enthusiast Skeets Gallagher does the dead pan valet in fine style Gordon Elliott Joseph King David Newell Olive Tell Fay Holden George E E. Stone and Charles Foy complete the cast As an added attraction Joe throws in some neat tricks and sings a Chinese love song Dramatic Air Theme The girls who soar across the continent continent continent con con- in the huge airliners form a dramatic theme for Flying Hostess Hostess Hostess Host Host- ess the second feature on the new Orpheum theater bill The picture dramatizes that se select select select se- se lect group of young women to whom a job is 13 not just a way of earning a living but an ideal to which they must hold steadfast even in the face of death William Gargan in one of the finest performances of his career plays the lead role that of an airline superintendent The title role that of the ch chief ef flying hostess is played by the lovely Judith Barrett Through the picture with William Wilham William Wil Wil- liam ham Hall in the male romantic lead runs a romance as fast moving as the airliners around which the story was filmed There are thrills and action aplenty to punctuate the ro ro- ro- ro mance The supporting cast includes Astrid Allwyn Andy Devine Ella Logan Addison Randall and Maria Marla Shelton A Universal newsreel and a very unusual short subject You Cant Can't Get et Away With It depicting the mens men's methods and results obtained obtained ob ob- ob- ob tamed from those methods round out the entertainment |