Show FUNERALS DA Funeral DAVIDSON DAVIDSON Funeral services for Jennie Johnson Davidson DA will wO be conducted Thursday at p. p en m. m m in the te Rose ROlo room rom 30 East Ent Seventh nth South Sut street Rev Jev Elmer I. I officiating Friends may call at the Fench French room rm Jn in the mortuary prior t to services Interment In Interment I In Mt f Olivet f t te cemetery e under nJ direction of Deseret mortuary HALF services for William Wilam Loyd yd Hale Hae will wi bo be conducted Friday at 1 p. p m. m in itt the Granger r ward d chapel B bishop p J. J J D. D eHI Hill officiating f rat i Friends I I. I may call at the tho Preach French room rom In the mortuary JR 36 ar East Seventh South street until Thursday evening and at atthe atthe It Itte the te Some nome In I Granger Oranger Friday morning prior to services service Interment Mill Mi Creek cemetery under direction of Duent Deseret mortuary LISLE Funeral services for fer McLelland Mc- Mc Lelland LUand Lisle will wi be conducted Thurs Thur Thursday day at 2 p. p m. m I Ip Iv tho the Rose ROe room rom 36 East EuL Seventh South Sout Fend Friends may my call cal at the Autumn room until time Ume of services Interment In City cemetery under direction of Deseret mortuary Funeral 1 KS Funeral services for Chris Chrls- tos tOI aged 47 years yean will wi be beheld beheld beheld held Thursday at 2 o'clock at the Greek Grek Orthodox church Third South te and Second West streets Interment In th the tho City cemetery with wih military honors bonon Friends may call cal today toay and Thursday until noon at the mortuary 34 East First Frt South Sut tret street Services for Leslie Lule Nielson will willbe willbe wi be held Thursday at 1 p. p rn on in the Draper r wad waid wo chapel Fiends Friends menus may call can cal at the tho 10 LInd C l mortuary 2128 b S South State street Wn Wednesday euR evening ig from 4 until 8 o'clock and at atthe the tho home in Draper Thursday from 10 a. a m. m until 12 noon Interment will wi be beIn beIn bein In Draper Drape cemetery SHAY SIY Services for Franklin Fakin Percival s Shay Sisay will be conducted Thursday 1 1215 I af m. m In the tho Rose Rone le room 36 East s g. g Seventh South Sout Flenda Friends may call at atthe atthe the gold room until time tie mal 0 of services Dl Bishop op James me A. A Giles Gie of tho the Fourteenth Four ward wad officiating Interment in City cemetery under direction of Deseret mortuary |