Show 20 Patients Forget CareIn Carein Care CareIn In New Unit 1000 Citizens Visit at Open pen House Ceremony Twenty boys and girls confined Inthe in inthe inthe the hospital for tor crippled children Wednesday were too busy getting acquainted with their new ward at St. St Marks Mark's hospital to worry about their ailments The new ward is located In the south wing of the main floor At Atan Atan Atan an expense of more than the ward was completely remodeled redecorated redecorated redecorated re- re decorated and modernized Work started seven weeks ago ago Approximately 1000 Salt Lakers streamed through the ward between the hours of 3 and 6 p. p m. m when the formal dedication took place I Milton MUton E. E Lipman chairman of the local board of governors in his I dedicatory speech said the ward is comparable to any crippled children's childrens childrens children's chil ehU- drens dren's hospital in the United States maintained by Band Gives Ghe Concert There was a concert in the afternoon afternoon after atter- noon by the infantry band from Fort Douglas Wives of assisted in serving of re re- re The new ward consists of three rooms rooms boys boys boys' girls' girls and an Isolation isolation isola bola tion room There are seven beds in the tho boys' boys quarters nine in the girls' girls and four in the Isolation room which is located in a separate ward There is also a kitchen equipped to prepare the youngsters' youngsters meals a large largo bathroom utility room and four closets Three graduate nurses and three student nurses will be on duty atall at atall t taU all aU times in the tho ward Laura T. T Bishop ward superintendent said Story Book Dook Motif Each of the three wards is decorated decorated decorated deco deco- rated in motifs of characters from childrens children's books It was the late Fred C. C Schramm who started the hospital for crippled children about 11 years ago During that time moro more than 1000 children children- have been admitted and a a. similar number served as out patients Assisting Mr Lipman during the reception were C. C H H. Fisher vice chairman James W. W Collins Colllns treasurer treasurer treasurer treas treas- and C. C F. F Barrett secretary together with the tho women's group headed by y Mrs E. E I. I L. L Brown |