Show CLUBBER PUTS BLAME ON KIN 6 Law in Drove Him Berserk He Says By STAFF CORRESPONDENT E T OGDEN July 8 George 8 George Morten- Morten sen confessed slayer of three of f his wife's kin today pictured pictured pic plc- his dead law in Adam Snyder as the villain in the Mor- Mor domestic drama From his cell in solitary confinement confinement confinement confine confine- ment of the tho women's division of the city jail blamed the nagging of his irascible in father-in- law for the spark that set act off the mental conflagration that resulted in the bludgeoning to death of his wife's wiles parents and her grandmother grandmother grandmother grand grand- mother and the brutal beating e administered administered administered ad ad- ministered to his year old wife as she lay in bed about about dawn h July 3 30 With Police PoUce Captain Dewey F. F Hawkins and Sergeant C. C K KeeL Keet- cr er arrived at a. a m. m m. m today from Los Los' Angeles where he be was captured Friday afternoon said he ha loves his wife who lies on a hospital cot from which she accused her husband of running amuck in her parents' parents humble Ogden home Whom he did not love w was s Adam Snyder first to fall fal a victim to the pick- pick handle said Snyder brought into the house with which I to menace menace his son in Things would have gone smoothly smooth smooth- ly 13 said said his his wife had been dutiful dutiful had had it not been for Adam Snyder who the accused man asserts supported his family on earnings as a cosmetiC cosmetics cos cos- salesman In the tho cool silence of at his jail Continued on Page Pace Two Tuo Column Four I M ps n 1 Goes Back to l to Face Court t. t wlm L. L y tr J I II ml a r ul l r f f i J. J 0 l r J- J i S 1 7 7 vs 1 t V f fa t tet a iP 7 1 j f. f iI tf v 1 5 4 4 f 1 iam 1 t y 4 S I y ta m 1 t h z rAf 1 t J L 1 t 4 Y tl 1 o 1 I 1 Mr o f. f p W J 1 p- p t 44 i. i I E 4 P Y Vf 1 S 5 J l t 1 f f f F Z I J JY Y tiP tiPI t I 1 E i. i I. L l i. i As s confessed slayer arrived in Ogden 6 George eorge 1 left Patrolman Ben S gowski Detective 1 J. C. C Hutchins t CLUBBER PUTS BLAME ON KIN Continued l from Page pase One that led to his going berserk that t night nis He was not drunk he said Mort told how Adam Snyder took ook him into the tho kitchen to show r him lim the he had brought t thome home lome to attend to his son-in-law son if f he didn't treat Grace right Then he launched into a long discourse discourse disS dis dis- of Graces Grace S course of the virtues four our previous husbands much to tc tho the discomfort of Charges Domination declared that Adam L Snyder had at one time timo beaten his hh hisson hisson son George S. S Snyder nearly nearby to tc death I Ho He was a grasping ambi- ambi ious man who ruled his family b by bythe r the he force of his personality the accused accused ac ac- declared He Ha revealed that b Mrs Snyder had had her husband I examined by psychiatrists in Peoria Pe- Pe oria oda Dna III m. and was told he was dangerous dan dan- S to live with She fled tIed t to Ogden only to have her husband I track rack her down and establish their theli homo home jomo there whore where he got railroad work He had told Mrs Mrs Adams Ad ms h ho he 3 w was was s deputized to to return tier lier to II- II and make her do what sh she should and thus wielded a figurative figura figura- ivo tivo club over her head much as h he purportedly wielded a real club over the head of as h ho hc awoke before dawn that eventful 1 morning according to the accused Professing his love Jove for his wife wiCe declared the only black blac spot on her record was the black blac C eye eyo he ho gave her when they were visiting friends up north Tells Telia of Quarrel She was death on drinking said aid dolefully in his kih cell ceIL The quarrel with Adam Snyder arose partly over a plan had lad for buying a farm I had had trouble the last couple of years Jears finding work he he saId sald and I was going to get s-et this farm farrr 1 to o put them all aU on I could have hav got jot it for 50 down and by turning In n the Snyder home But Adam Adan balked His wife wICe was working for foi forthe the he railroad as a car cleaner an and andle I he le wanted to stay there so ah she Bhe could keep on earning was still a little at a t loss oss to account for the beating h he reportedly gave his wife wite as she lay Jay a besIde eside her mother In bed d. Oh you beast she yelled a at t thim him ilm said as she watched I him lim deal fatal tatal blows to the woman I beside herThen herThen her Then I let her have it he re re re- Lost His Head He rained rained blows blows with the club ox on 1 i her skull and chest and broke her he r arm as she raised it to fend ot off th the S i attack cleared up some of oC the thi C vagaries about his memory of th the thc C deed I SI knew I had beaten them but I didn't know they were dead h he C said Tortured beyond endurance by Adams Adam's nagging nagging- he had lost Jost his lead head head he said after he snatched the club frn Snyder who stood toad menacingly over him in bed Meanwhile officials were working working working work work- ing on the evidence with which they plan to convict of oC first- first degree murder of oC his mother-in- mother law Jaw Mrs Adam Snyder |