Show SHOWERY DAYS SEEN FOR UTAH Unsettled weather probably ac ac- ac by local thundershowers Is IT predicted for all an Utah Wednesday ay night bight and Thursday Th coincident with witha a report Cecil Alter government government govern govern- ment meteorologist which stresses stress the need fOr tor rain on lower pastures And dry farm crops Little change from the exceptionally exception exceptionally ally high heat of the tho past several days is anticipated especially needed in south ern rn Utah Mr Alter reported in his we weekly kly summary of weather crop and range range- conditions Water Vater Plentiful Irrigation water is still sWI plentiful In Jn Utah however and watered crops are mostly in thriving condition condition condi condi- tion he said S. S The be second growth of at alfalfa aaa Is making an excellent start The pea harvest is well along and dry land grain is being harvested Fall grain is in full fun head generally generall some of it being ripe and spring grain is deVeloping de- de eloping nicely Mountain forage and irrigated pastures are mostly excellent and livestock are doing well A preliminary computation shows the Juno June general average precipitation precipitation tion tion- for the tho state to bo be about or about 70 inch above nor- nor mal naI Most of the rain came in the first we week ek of ot June Truck Truck Crop Crop Thrive o t I Truck crops a arid and d orchard trees have a thriving appearance in Salt Lake county and alfalfa and watered waS wa wa- S I grains are doing well Mr Alter lter said S The maximum temperature of f 93 degrees here hero Tuesday was exactly the same same as Mondays Monday's high point Temperatures s dropped markedly during the evening however and the Wednesday morning minimum of i f 61 degrees was was' 6 degrees cooler than Tuesday morning The brief shower which occurred here late Tuesday afternoon did not bring enough precipitation to be measured at the weather bureau Similar were reported reported report report- ed in scattered sections over almost the entire west Slightly co cooler ler temperatures were reported Wednesday morning in parts of Utah Nevada Idaho and eastern Oregon and Washington One of Utah's hottest spots during the last week last week was St St. George which reported a maximum temperature of ot ofOs otOS OS degrees |