Show Miss Weyher Honored I Iii at ii Lunch Fete I IA 1 r. r A beautifully appointed l luncheon f i iwas was given Wednesday afternoon tte 11 o at at athe the he Country club by Miss Dorothy and nd Miss Barbara Sweet in compliment compU- compU ment to Miss Ev Evelyn lyn Weyher WeYhe whose marriage to Robert Robart Richart rt Gros ros will take place July 25 The guests were seated at on one table which was was' attractively centered centered with a a bowl of f blue delphinium and pale pink roses ses The p place ace cards were of bridal de design de- de sign ign Close friends of Miss Mias Weyher were present and following Jun luncheon lunch h. h eon tables were arranged I forbridge for I forbridge bridge 2 Thursday evening Mias Sus Susan Strobel will give ea a a dinner at it t her home on Arlington drive in n honor of at the popular brid elect bride elect who will willbe willbe willbe be the honored guest at a luncheon on onto to o be given Monday by M Mrs s. s Tho Thomas as W. W Harris at the Town club Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day evening Miss Dorothy Th Thompson Thomp Thomp- mp- mp son and Miss Louise Thompson will give jive a dinner in honor of Miss Weyher and Mr Gros Wednesday evening Miss Frances Parsons will entertain at a dinner Inner and Thursday Miss Betty Faus will gin gite a luncheon at the Town club Friday Miss Helen ill give a a. lun luncheon heon at her home on L street treet and Sunday July 19 Mrs rs Bruce Bruc D. D 1 Grimes and Miss Virginia Lambourne Lambourne Lambourne Lam- Lam bourne will entertain between the hours of 8 S and 10 p. p m. m at th the home of ot their mother Mrs George Georgi L Lambourne Lambourne Lam Lam- m bou bourne ne on Military way |