Show y u. u S. S Experts Set Forth to Discover Cause Gause Cure of Great American Sneeze W WASHINGTON July 8 UP p- p The department of ot agriculture gave gaye Its atten attention lon today to the great American sneeze sneeze hay hay fever This will be a B search arch to tho the finish for a cause and a cure said Dr Henry Stevens of the bureau bureau bure bu bu- bu- bu reau re u of at chemistry and soils but we dont don't want to raise the hopes of oZ t uffer ra too bl high Like a corps of detectives tackling tackling tack tack- ling a the sneeze sleuths delved into n a kernel of ot tho the problem problem allergic allergic disturbances Such a disturbance Is anything from sneezing at the sight of a poppy to breaking into a rash after after after af af- af- af ter t tasting sUng a strawberry One out of at every 10 Americans young and old has an allergic disturbance We are not doctors doctora explained Dr Stevens but chemists We hope to learn from the study of agricultural products and byproducts byproducts byproducts by by- products some facts that will give the medical profession something more with which to work worle The search gets under way durIng during dur dur- ing the height of ot the hay fever season and will continue intensely through the next period period early early autumn autum |