Show NATIONALS PLAY SMART Hurlers Halt Heavy Bats I t Of American League Aces Aces- Tilt Near Financial Floi Flo FloBy By Bv ALAN GOULD As Associated Press ress Sports Writer 1 BOSTON July 8 Echoes a-Echoes Echoes of the biggest financial an and f man flops in the year four-year history of or the star all-star g game me faie failed day to deprive National leaguers of their jubilation over t U back the Americans for the first time Paced by the great Diu Dizzy and Carl Hubbell then plu from Crom danger by the strong g rf arm srm of Lonnie Warneke the thi j capitalized their IlIp aup inper pitching to squeeze out i 4 4 decision under extraordinary before a n crowd occupied little more than ha halt haU the stands at National league fit j Led by Manager Charley G Got of ot the Chicago Cubs the won because they forced breaks capitalized d opportune i and on the whole played in ami baseball They had their aba Ihan luck but they were primed to Big Bats Data Silenced The favored Americans lot loa H cause their celebrated murde was row handcuffed by rival pi nit ers for tor eight of nine innings inning inning sad to relate because their Ie ier rookie outfielder Joe D gio of the Yankees picked the ou oc s slon on to experience hi his hia worst one d slump since he flashed acrO star-clustered star big league sky Icy 3 Rookie Joe a national baa but hero in his first major league lealUe i Son on came to Boston Boto to ret get Bronx cheer for the first firstIn I In his hll life Whether from the Jitters or Just Jon not ing lag much luck as he lie met rud expressed It It DIMaggio flop with as I resounding a note M as attendant The California recruit had u chances in the field and missed I of ot them Charitable s scorers c char him with only one error but bu misplays figured In each af if National Nation leaguers leaguers' scoring gra rail raft Up five times against the thIS iu u pitching of Dean Hubbell and W V neke DiMaggio failed tailed to get ball out of ot the infield even once onci He left seven men on bases hues c ping the climax of ot his dismal by lining out with the baser base in the seventh to end the one one a aing Ing splurge of ot the Americans Americana popping o out t. t in the ninth with tying run on second base f The breaks were simply a athe ag the kid said the American lea His line drive to Durocher in la seventh had base hit written all aU i it but it happened to be direct a a. fielders fielder's hands fc In Strange Position f It was asking too much d youngster to play playa a full game u u ua such pressure against such pitch and Jn In in a comparatively strange countered National Good strategy or bad simply ill luck DiMaggio was wu goat of ot the American leagues league's J fi ti defeat since th the star all show f Inaugurated in 1933 at Chicago remains to be seen whether It Hii his power or confidence Moro vital from the stand of ot the major league magnates proof that they will have to re reo radically their system of ot ticket hJ dUng or ballyhoo if It they want keep the star all game from b bIng bIng bing Ing a financial fiasco 4 Instead of an anticipated i sen crowd of at the old WI now the Beehive the paid aU att ance anco numbered exactly though the weather was perfect tho attraction unusual the gall CU au were little more than 20 and expenses consumed well half halt the amount taken In The answers seem to be 1 too man many fans fanN were scared off oft I continual talk of a sell out Ii Iid tie ft et speculation etc and 2 that was 85 n a physical Impossibility Cit e C eit ci it if the tans funs had shown up to toas toas I as many as sit unreserved s I Ion sOn i the da of the on day game r From all indications steps stepi be taken by the club ownerS owner guard against a similar i fore the 1937 1931 star all-star game gains is ii kj Continued on r PU National Pitchers Have Great Day 5 Continued from Preceding Page in Washington under American league auspices Poor Foor Attendance Yesterdays Yesterday's attendance compared with nearly at each of the first two games in Chicago and New York and the top total of at Cleveland last year The small turnout got its its' moneys money's worth regardless They saw the luckless DiMaggio's failure to de deliver deliver deliver de- de liver but they cheered the gre t Dean who faced only nine batsmen in his three-inning three performance and received credit for the National leagues league's first victory They saw Columbia Lou Gehrig strike a towering home run into the right field stands for his first and only base hit in four star all-star games I I to touch off the losers' losers one scoring outburst They saw Warneke come to the rescue of the weakening Curt Davis abruptly stop the rally strike out the great Jimmie Foxx with two on base in the eighth and then retire DiMaggio in the ninth easily after Charley Chancy Gehringer's double caused uneasiness on the National league bc bench ch Lefty Bob Grove ace s southpaw v of the American league was charged with the defeat but shared with Lynwood Schoolboy Rowe the tho sting of the National league bats |