Show RIOTING LULLS IN STRIKE ZONI ZON By UI Associated rest Peu ff While leaders leader on both sides quiet marked strike fro f ft I In the tho east and middle w t t tafter after rioting and v violence ence At Portsmouth Ohio with a a.- a. agreement rejected by W unionists pushed plans plane to to Portsmouth th the spearhead of ot j drive to organize the steel indu iM At Cincinnati a hour 21 tr tiu truce agreed on between strikers ai and Remington-Rand Remington company i factory was shut down after days day of oC violence in which a 1 byster byi er er was shot and 30 persons in InS Inh Two were Injured Injured at Rand Remington-Rand M Mid 1 d d I Jet e t p Conn plant and at Syr Syracuse cus wife of ofa a strike leader was Vila arr At Buffalo Vernon M. M Cro Crot strike leader complained ig gl the company to the regional j board Britain's Post Office Say Sav bank now holds deposits t total toti |