Show DEMOCRATIC TIG WOMEN TO ELECT OFFICERS Election of or new officers and reports on the years year's activities were scheduled for or the meeting of the Wom Women's ns Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic club at the Newhouse hotel late ate Wednesday afternoon Regular sc sessions ions of the club will resume next September A number of or social events are planned for the summer months Names submitted to members of oI the he club by the nominating committee were President Mrs Scott P. P Stewart Stewart Stew Stew- art first vice president Mrs C. C O O. Bonner onner second vice president Mrs Ray Van Colt Coti Jr secretary Mrs Gordon Gordon Gor Gor- don Larch corresponding secretary Mrs Alice W Williams and treasurer Mrs W. W L. L Foxley Other nominations were to be made from th the floor Reports of oC th the years year's activities of oI the organization organisation were given by Mrs J. J Wallace West Vest ret retiring rint president Mrs F. F C. C Brereton retiring secretary Mrs William Korth retiring treasurer treasurer treas treas- and chairmen of at standing com com- |