Show UNIT INSPECTION IN UTAH CLOS CLOSED BY ARMY CHIEF Commander of Ninth Corps Sees ROTC and Infantry Major General Paul B. B Malone commanding olic oWes officer r of the Ninth corps area arca and Major M M. C. C Lockwood Jr corps area arca plans and training officer Wednesday completed their inspection of Utah military units The two planned d to leave Salt Lake City Cay at p. p m. m for or Lammie Lara Lam mie Wyo wh where re they will ct the R. R O. O T. T C. C unit uniL of th the UnIversity sity o of Wyoming betor returning to their headquarters in San Francisco Last inspection conducted by General General Gen eral Maone and his aide was of the thc post buildings end and activities at Fort For Douglas During th the tha tour the corps area commander was accompanied by Brigadier General Pegram Whitworth Whitworth Whit Whit- worth post commander and Colonel W. W C. C Sweeney commander of ol the Thirl Thirty eighth eighth infantry infantry's Sees R. R O. O T. T C C. C Unit The inspection began at 1015 a. a a m. m following General Malones Malone's inspection of ot the University of ot Utah R. R O. O T. T C C. battalion in the university stadium The long ranks of the Thirty Thirty-ei Thirty eighth infantry passed in review at Fort For Douglas before the corps area com mander All motor equipment was included in the parade Other details of ot the final inspection were the post exchange activities guard mount quartermasters quartermaster's quarters signal and telephone exchange hospital library C C C activities radio radio ra ra- ra dio station barracks post ordnance stables and garages and reserve area All officers and troops at Fort Douglas Doug Doug- las took part in the inspection Welcomed by President General Malone and Major Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood Lock Lock- wood were welcomed to the university university university sity campus at a. a m m. by President dent Geor George e Thomas Before the army officers be began Jn their inspection of the university R R. O. O T. T C. C unit th they y inspected the detachment o of meg reg ular army men stationed at the uni uni- Accompanying the corps area officers cers during their inspection were Major Maor Ma Ma- jor or James Gillespie and Captain Melvin Mel Melyin yin vin L. L Craig in charge of the rc reserve erve officer training work at the sity General Malone highly highl complimented compliment ed cd the university reserve officers officers' unit for its its' app app appearance aran arance e and Ii- Ii den C His address was delivered over a public address system in the st stadium President Thomas replied on behalf behall of ol the university and pledged support of the educational institution to the R. R O. O T. T C. C work University Members Praised Gen General ral Malona Malon cited 72 n members of ol th tha university unit for tor excellence during during- his address Members of or the unit who will vilI join two branches ol of the hc regular army were presented to the he corps corp area commanding officer b by Major Gillespie They were wre Norman VanD m m. m who will vili join the he marine corps Walter Watter Vinegar Winegar Max l Cochran who will enter th the United States military academy at al West Point and William T. T Fairbourn Fairbourn Fairbourn Fair- Fair bourn who will join join lh the marine corps B battery of or the unit S S adjudged winner of the Scabbard i and Blade army frat fraternity cup for general cf- cf received the award from General Malone It was presented to o Cadet Captain Virgil Hall HaJJ Members rs of the sophomore pistol team earn which w won n the competition also were given their awards Members of ol the team arc are Wallace Mace Richard Melden Lesic Les Les- lie ic Coombs Reed Ree Bleak Watson Walon Eataugh Ea Ea- augh taugh Don Carlos Carloc Kimball Hilton and ansi Philip Rigby Started at Logan LOJan General Ma Malones Malone's on s 's inspection of oli Utah military forces began bean Mond Monday when vl cn h ha inspected the thc R. R O. O T. T C. C battalion at the Utah State Slats A Agricultural r cultura cul- cul ural tural coU in Logan Lagan Tu Tuesday day he inspected the tactical maneuvers of or orth th he the Thirty-eighth Thirty infantry at Jordan Narrows farrows Guest of honor during a military military- civic banquet at th the chamber of ol commerce commerce com corn merce Tuesday night General Malone MaJone described the reserve officers officers' train train- ing ng cor corps in universities and high schools as the backbone of national I defense Governor Henry H. H Blood officially welcomed General Malone during the banquet Governor Blood praised the army and its ts general staff stal and declared declared de de- de- de dared there was no better army in th h he world Other speakers during the dinner Included Mayor Louis Marcus of ot Salt Lake Ci City y and Paul F. F Keyser Keser president president dent of ol the Salt Lake City chamber of commerce |