Show GROUP TO DISCUSS MINERAL SURVEY A proposed mineral mineraI survey of ot Utah suggested b by Paul R R. Arentz and now being considered by Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington governmental officials will willbe willbe willbe be discussed during the meeting of the Intermountain Association of Engineers Thursday at 8 p p. p m m. at atthe atthe atthe the Newhouse hotel botel Mr Arentz Is former supervising engineer of tho Utah state planning board An engineering training school expected to open May 14 at the Lafayette school under auspices of ot the F FER E R A also will be discussed during the engineering association meeting Dr J J. J J J. J Hance supervising engineer engineer engineer engi engi- neer for the Deer creek reclamation project will be the schools school's Instructor tor lor Courses offered will include mathematics surveying highway construction and engineering mc- mc |