Show Entries in Playgrounds Contest Close in Week r Only one week more marc Start building your backyard playground playground play play- ground now Enter the second annual backyard and vacant lot playground contest being be be- being ing sponsored by the city recreation d department in cooperation with The Salt Lake Telegram All entries must be sent to The Telegram by May 15 16 15 one week from today The contest itself closes doses June 8 8 Only playgrounds officially entered in the contest will be eligible forthe for forthe fori the awards to be presented by The Telegram Begin now Before it is too loo late Valuable pieces of playground equipment recommended by the contest contest con con- test judges as needed to round out put the facilities of the winning prize playgrounds will be awarded the I playground builders A little effort and ingenuity will willbe willbe willbe be amply rewarded not only with prizes prize but with large returns in health and happiness A home playground will keep children children chil chil- dren off oU the street provide them healthful exercise and give them a better appreciation of their home life Parents can Join in the fun Remember Remember Re member the f family mily that plays together to gether stays together A special Pal Sweepstakes award will be made to tho the family which best demonstrates demonstrates dem demo the value of group pia play Ex Expenditure of at money Is not essary Prizes will be awarded forthe for forthe forthe the best pla playgrounds built at no nocost nocost cost built for tor not more than 5 or built for not more than 15 Get In the contest Dont Don't delay |