Show V JURY DECREES GILES GUILTY IN MAIL CASE p Suspect in Attempted D. D R. R G G. Holdup Is Convicted A federal jury Wednesday cracked down don to the tune of ol 25 23 years on a fugitiVe killer r. r from Oregon state convicting him of ot attemptIng attempt I pr Bron on by Jn m Ing to rob a train carr carrying n mail in u sa Salt Salt it Lake City February 2 The fate of John K Giles 40 was as decided by the jury in 5 seven ven minutes He faced two charges for or his alleged participation in the armed attack on a Denver Rio Grande Western mail mall tr tram train n. n I A mandatory sentence of ol 25 years was wu carried by the verdict o of guilty under veder the first charge chare It alleged r V that t he had placed the lives Jives o of tw two government Eo mall mail cl clerks In m jeopardy during the would would-be holdup 4 The second charge c assault and Interfering interfering in with mail clerks in the performance pe of or their dut duty carries a maximum sentence of three years Date of ot sentence o of Giles and his alleged confederate t Brady D. D Morris MorrL Mor Moris ris rL is who pleaded guilty Juilly Monday to a charge of or assaulting 3 and interfering r with mail clerks after the year 25 maximum sentence charge him him had been dismissed was fixed faxed c as 15 Saturday t Furnishes evidence L The lo long f arm o of th the federal police force was responsible for the arrest of Giles and Morris A cit city detective detec tive furnished the keystone of ol the thc prosecutions prosecution's evidence that resulted rC in Giles' Giles conviction Armed bandits bandit attacked the ma mall mail train iraln shortly after alter midnight The Thc train was leaving Salt Lake Lak Cit City en routs route to Denver It It carried c full cargo of ol mail mall which included several pouches of registered letters While the engineer e eased cased the train through the outskirts of or the city two armed m men man n climbed into the cab ol the locomotive When the slowly rolling train reached a point P on Fourth West street between n Thir and nd Seventeenth S South uth streets the engineer was ordered to stop Jl Meanwhile the two clerks in the i mail car Leonard E. E Duncan and Roy A. A TroWer had noticed that thai p the train w was s not proceeding at Its Hs it customary pace They became sus sus- and extin extinguished d the lights liht In their mall mail e car r. r 0 v When When the train stopped the gun Jun- men ordered th the engineer r. r the fire fire- EQ 10 O man and a student fireman to dis mount from Crom the cab with them As th they y stepped d to the ground shadowy iG O forms emerged from the darkness rO to Order Door Opened The eng were forced to walk I to toward the mail cars The The- gunmen Shouted for Cor the clerks to open the car They fired ired several shots A 11 n flask k o 0 of ammonia smashed against a Window of the car p Q I Jh Th clerks r returned the lir lire fire I The The- bandits ll lied fled d. d y y A brakeman on the train who iio had 10 0 flare run ruz IS l to lor for the rear to post a warning other trains that mil might ap ap- Preach died during durIn th th- th excitement ment A heart attack W was given as the CIU cause j 8 of ot hb his d death ath piles Giles and Morris lorris were arrested b by I it Postal postal inspectors in St. St Paul Th There c jt was said nid they had visited a print print- Stock lock 5 lag Ing t plant ant and nd endeavored to have S 5 certificates printed Depart Depart- meat gent of ot justice 3 agents enU in investigated When K we the en arrested a gun cun un was f found und in t I possession of ol Giles GUes Gu Gun In S. S L. L 51 It 1 was one he ne had nad purchased in o Mil Salt Lake City evidence during his trial revealed Detective E. E A. A Hedman Hed Hed- man nian of the Salt Sail Lake City police department ballistics expert rt t tent U. U fed J-ea J ed that bullets fired from that gun un un had bad thudded against t the steel walls w of the mail car that was Vas the object ar of attack durin during the attempted attempt d rob bery y hers her February Febuary 2 2 Giles Gik escaped eap d from the Oregon hate Ilat prison at Salem November 7 1934 13 He Hc had S served 15 of ol n years cars a lila o term for the killing of a l Uve we who attempted to I arr arrest t him on ta a ID a n charge of robbing the tender of or Interstate J brid bridge Another a charge e against Giles Mo Morin Mor Mor- ris fa k in ing and v held two unnamed is be be- in ln abeyance according to toS United States Slates Attorney r J h Q n S. S Boyden |