Show I z AMUSEMENTS f j Great I Film Comes omes To Orpheum Next A three star show how will be on the screen at the Orpheum theater starting starting start start- ing Friday when Lady for a Day hit picture of at the year is to be bc fea fea- fea has been lured Lady for a Day given a wonderful cast with May Robson Robson Rob Rob- son at Its Ib head The picture has been playing extended engagements everywhere everywhere every every- where and has been starred four by Liberty magazine Distinctly in a class by itself as u motion picture entertainment with a astory astory astory story universally appealing it is Impossible impossible im Im- Im possible to predict anything but outstanding outstanding outstanding out out- standing success for Lady for a Day It is like a fantastic fairy tale talc yet et is real and human its humor and touching dramatic scenes making laughs and tears blend wholesomely A revelation to picture audiences is the description given of the magnificent magnificent mag mag mag- performance of Miss Robson Robson Robson Rob Rob- son as as' as Apple Annie The complete cast are said to give matchless performances performances performances per per- inspired by the star Rosco Ales Ates stuttering star of the movies and his wonderful daughter appear in person headlining the Fanchon Fanchon Fanchon Fan Fan- chon t Marcos Marco's stage show she As a personal personal per per- social appearance of a movie star is r rare re in Salt SaIl Lake unusual interest interests Is s expected Additional acts will Include In in elude clude Harrison and Elmo in Seven Come Eleven and company 12 whirling dervishes s. s Max Bradfield and his musicians will perform per form and th the Sunkist Beauties will offer new routines As a special fea fea- fea ture the Z C. C M. M I. I department store a gorgeous fashion show of at the latest apparel l which will willbe willbe be ac climaxed by a bridal party On the screen this week Double Harness with Ann Harding and William Wil liam Powell as stars is presented On the stage stace is Barto Barb and Mann clev comedy team team 35 as headliners June Purcell Pur Fur cell sweetheart of ot the radio Danny Beck impersonating Harr Harry Langdon Esther Campbell whistler as assistIng assisting assist assist- In ing numbers The Sunkist Beauties and Max Bradfield's orchestra lend to Lo the entertainment d the popular Benny Ross continues as ns master of ceremonies |