Show L. L D. D S. S Women Asked I. I I To Carry On O Spiritual Crusade iLIEF LIEF SOCIETY TELLS IF F WORK NEED I rj Support by Church Lauded by President Attendance Largo LargoS S appeal to the younger women ic o oLD L. L D. D S. S church Relief RelIc society carry any the spiritual banner and andic he ic e older members feel fecI that they done their part was made by Louise Y Robison president at pening session of the semiannual ral eral conference of the society In the assembly hall ball weather conditions con- con ted to the large crowd which red cred In the assembly hall hail to atthe at at- I the opening session ely cly Iy 2500 stake stoke class leaders lenders mis- mis presidents and ond general board bers were present ic le e session was called to order by Robison at ot 10 a. a m. m The congro- congro on n sang Come Come Come Ye Ye Mrs Arthur Welling president ol of north central states society m mis offered opening prayer I SELOn ILL rs Robison announced that Mrs a L A A. Child her second counselor unable to a attend on account ol ox 01 55 5 her message e to workers before sessions Mrs Robison ded deed de de- ed d that the greatest justification living Is to carry carryon on a spiritual j i society women are doing k that means menns something to com corn titles JUes and all oIl persons that live in a. a she asserted All of them k good thoughts which in turn to build mankind lie ic e standards of communities Inh in inch ch rh h you live e she declared deon deon deon de on the work you do It is a peat great reat ration to keep homes living and communities on a high highL I. I L IDS DS ROBERTS Irs rs Robison said that the career he the late Brigham H. H Roberts sen sen- resIdent president of the council of seventy an inspiration to those who dei de de- i to progress She declared that his from Irom a blacksmith to one of the Continued on Pate Pare Thirteen I Ic- Ic T I ir fl J tw t- t w s p r Ti I r 1 4 N f T c r r A q- q qt t I 4 W fJ ii I t W i I v L i 6 As soon as Mrs 1 Louise Y T. Robison entered the temple grounds rounds to open the general conference of the L. L D. D S. S Relief society Wednesday morning Inthe Inthe in inthe the Assembly hall hail Mrs Eva Gillespie extreme rl right ht president of the tho Sharon stake in Utah county presented her with a basket of roses grown crown in her county The top also shows left to rl right ht Mrs Julia A. A F. F Lund general secretary and Mrs rs Amy Brown Lyman first counselor watching watch ing Mrs Irs Robison receive the flowers Memories of the days das when the Relief Re lief society was first or organized on March 17 1842 by the Prophet Joseph Smith were recalled to members when Mrs lUrs Robison unveiled a a. picture of the first president of the society Mrs lUrs Emma Hall Smith wife of the prophet The picture was presented to Mrs Robison by Dr Fred Smith president of the L. L D. D S. S Reorganized church when she was visiting historic church spots In Independence this S summer r. r RELIEF LIEP SOCIETY OFFICIAL TELLS f OF 01 F WORK NEED I t 4 Continued from P Pur PU Nine most ost forceful leaders In the church Is Ls Isn isan example outstanding an n She expressed deep regret for having hav hav- big ing to curtail the number of people attending the sessions because of Urns Urn- Urn space Following the meeting four department depart depart- s ment sessions were held Officers and class leaders attended a literary dep department de do- dop p meeting in the Barratt ha hall hail 1 t a a. theological s session In the assembly hall haIl a social service meeting In the ladles ladies department of the Deseret gymnasium and a teachers' teachers topic function tunc- tunc tion in the auditorium of the Bishops Bishop's s building t Mrs Robison told those attending the teachers' teachers session to try and stimulate late leadership among the younger women NEED NEW WORKERS Many of our members have been carrying the thc burden for several years rand should feel that they are arc released any inny time they feel like it Their work should be taken over o by younger members she said Encourage e the young women to get behind the Re- Re society movement was her message mes- mes sage sage age to the teachers whom she referred referred re re- reo to as u needing a rest reaL 4 The members attended department I sessions less lorn similar to those th se held In the morning Other speakers speaker outlined subjects pertaining to society work I General and stake officers will only I be allowed to attend this regular I meeting Thursday at 10 a. a m. m in the Bishops Bishop's building at which time Urne Pres- Pres Robison will outline official in in- The roll call caU will be bc read by Mrs Julia A. A F. F Lund general see see- Other speakers arc are on the program EXPECTED Approximately members and those Interested in this type of church work are expected to attend the general general gen- gen eral meeting In the tabernacle Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at 2 p. p m. m Mrs Robison said l Irs ArtY Brown Lyman first counselor and Mrs Lund who are both assisting President Robison will willbe be speakers Mrs Robison will deliver deliver de do- doliver liver an address and closing remarks remarks' before the conference Is adjourned until next April A feature of the conference will be 1 pageant In in the assembly hall ball Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- at p. p m. m Because of the demand for seats seals at the pageant there will ll be a second presentation at p. p m. m at which tickets will not be nee nee- essary |