Show COAL INDUSTRY UNITY STARTED Group Organizations Select Board to Direct Code Operation in Utah tah fl FI First t steps ep CPS toward un uniting ling Utah's coal industry r into one strong group which will win direct the Uie operation of the coal code for fr the sta state ie h has been n taken I with the election of John B. B Marks of Salt Lake Lakes vice lee president and genera general gen gen- era eral manager of the Independent Coal Coke company as president of the U Utah h Coal Producers' Producers assocIation association tion lion it was announced by officials of the coal Industry Wednesday He succeeds James B. B Smith of San Francisco president of the Spring Canyon and Royal Coal companies who resigned September 29 Mr Marks who was chosen chasen as president of the Utah Coal Operators' Operators association following the resignation of several of or the coal companies from the Utah Coal Producers' Producers association recently now heads both groups Officers of the Utah Coal Producers Producers' Producers Producers' Producers Producers' ers' ers association were elected at the annual meeting of the organization held Tuesday afternoon In the Ezra Thompson building Other officers to serve with Mr Marks are W. W C. C Stark general manager of or the Blue Blaze Coal company vice president B. B P. P Manley assistant secretary and Mr Marks Mr Stark D. D D. D Muir Jr F. F A. A Sweet and L. L R R. Weber members of the executive committee commit commit- tee John R. R Doolin who recently returned returned returned re re- re- re I turned from Washington D D. C. C where he served as a member of the committee of 18 which worked out the national coal code will be retained re re- re- re mined as secretary pending the assumptIon assumption assumption as as- of his duties as executive secretary of the Rocky Mountain Pa I division district 5 of the bituminous bituminous bi bi- bi coal code under the nation national al recovery act 4 |