Show Early Marriage Date Set Announcement is made by Mr and Mrs Irs J JA A. A Edward 1270 East Second South street o of the betrothal of their daughter Virginia to Stanley W. W Wissmar son sort of Mr and Mrs D D. F. F Wissmar East Second South street treet The Rev Elmer 1 I. I Goshen of the he First Co Congregational ch church will rm the ceremony Monday at 10 a. a m m. m at atthe the home ot of the bride Members of the two families will vilI witness the ceremony after r which the couple will leave for Seattle Wash to o make their home St. St Marks Mark's branch of the women's auxiliary will meet at t p. p m. m Thursday with Mrs H. H C. C Goodrich 70 0 Virginia street Tim Times club will meet Thursday at 30 p. p m. m with Mrs Joseph Anderson 23 Douglas street Current events will vill be bc given by Mrs C. C A. A Woolley and Mrs Charles W W. Childs will review review review re re- re- re view As the Earth Turns S College club wi will meet Thursday at 8 1 p. p m. m with Miss Florence Cirkel East South Temple street with Mrs L. L J. J Farmer as assisting hostess S. S B B. B A. A Thimble club will mee meet with Mrs Jennie Carnahan Browning avenue Thursday at 1 p. p m. m All members of the Naomi Rebekah degree staff will meet Thursday at p. p m. m at the I. I O. O O. O F. F hall ball for tor practice Mrs Zena B. B Schuyler is captain The Women's Missionary society of the Phillips Congregational church churchwill churchwill will hold a meeting Thursday at p p. m. m at the home of Mrs Tina Tolman Tol- Tol nan man man Herbert avenue The devotional devotional devotional devo devo- will be led by Mrs L. L H. H Page A paper on the Daughter of China will be read by Mrs J. J C. C Seabee A meeting of the Philathea chapter of the Delphian society will Jm be held at the Hotel Hotd Utah at 2 p. p m. m Thursday The topic for the day will be Views of Roman Life Lite with Mrs L. L B. B Sheets as leader Mrs C. C Irvin Fox will be the Delphian traveler Benevolent Benevolent Benevolent Be Law Breakers Mrs John Walsh Office Holders Through Armies Mrs Ben Two Generals and a Capitalist Mrs B. B H. H Lee Julius Caesar Mrs Paul Newman Cicero Scholar Patriot Mrs H. H A. A Collins Mark Antony Mrs Carl Decker The First Emperor Emper Emper- or Mrs R R. I. I McDonough A meeting of the Delta chapter of the Delphian society will be held at the Newhouse hotel Thursday at p. p m. m The topic for the day will be current current cur cur current rent events with Mrs V Verna rna Archer Mrs E. E J. J Kirkham and Mrs D D. L. L Folsom giving topics topIc S St St. Anns Ann's Sewing circle of the Catholic Catholic Cath Cath- olic Womans Woman's league will meet Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day afternoon at St. St Anns Ann's orphan orphan- age The hospital sewing comm committee will meet Thursday at the Holy Cross hospital The hospitality committee will meet at 1 p p. p m. m Thursday for tor luncheon and bridge at the home of Mrs J. J Walter WaIter Scott Ach Acheson on 1461 Browning avenue The literary s section of f MIzpah chapter chap chap- chaP 1 ter No 5 O. O E. E S. S will wiIl meet at the home of Mrs Hamer Harner S. S Gulp Culp 1357 Yale avenue Thursday at 2 p p. p m. m Miss Muriel LaVon Goodspeed will give Ive the following numbers Vocal Romance Romberg My Star James Rogers dramatic character monologues En English Village Dressmaker Dress Dress- maker The Misconstrued Tele Tele- gram The Burglar piano Clare Ciare de Lune ne DeBussy March Wind Vind McDowell Valse in A 6 Chopin Mrs Lee Roy Johnson Is hostess chairman assisted by Mrs Katie Powell Mrs Mildred M M. Johnson Mrs Hazel A. A Johnson Mrs Irene E. E Hatcher Mrs Emily Summerson Mrs Susan R R. Keate Mrs Nell L. L Crockwell and Mrs Alberta M. M Curry Mrs Eldon H. H Dyer and Mrs Eugene Eu gene N. N Pack were hostesses at a delightful bridge supper Tuesday evening evening eve eve- ning a at the Pack home in compliment to Mrs A. A Rulon Jackson who will leave In the near future for her home In Washington D D. D C C. after alter a visit here Gay garden flowers decorated the table and the guests included Mrs W W. I I. I Atkin Mrs Lyn Je Jensen en Mrs Mrs' Lowell L L. Berry Mrs Lawrence Eldredge Mrs Sumner Barton Mrs Byron W. W Butler Butle Mrs Michael Martin Martin Mar Mar- tin Mrs Alex Anderson Mrs Willard W W. McKinley Mrs E. E F. F Thompson Mrs Stuart K Barnes Mrs W W. M. M Powell and Miss Ruth Atkin |