Show STOCK MARKET MARKEL SPURTS UPWARD Alcohol and Rail Issues Gai Gain Two to Seven i 1 Points NEW YORK Oct 4 Stocks P W Stocks hi one of their best sessions in several weeks Wednesday as leading alcohol and rail issues spurted 2 to around 7 points The upturn was wasat at largely to the obviously over overS sold condition of the market professionals accounting for the part of the transactions The el dost was strong Transfers shares L There was a buying rush Just after he the opening that sent many shares u 1 L to around 4 points For awhile the the ticker tape was behind The feverish pace slowed down la- la lar r ler ter although there was no app f ble reaction in the dullness The forward forward for for- f ward dash was resumed in the last half hour and all categories Joined I in another fast advance Although whet finished with gains of 1 2 1 cents a a- a bushel other grains were hesitant Cotton and other commodities were fairly firm Bonds especially those of on the secondary classes followed The dollar at the same time time- fV against leading European exchanges ex- ex changes r Shares of Union Pacific and Nation al Distillers were up around 8 points each Homestake Mining jumped 13 13 and Celanese advanced C. C Others ira up around 3 to 5 Included U. U S. S Smelt mg ing Cerro de do Pasco American Com Alcohol U. U S. S Industrial Alcohol AV Al cohol New York Central Santa r Delaware 6 Hudson Western Union Allied Chemical American Tele phone Chrysler Johns U jy U'S US S S. S Steel duPont Case Steel Consolidated Gas General Mo Mo- tors Sears Roebuck and Westine- Westine house Many stocks were up a p ix or more |