Show Daily Health Service Iodine for Jor Goiter r By Dy DR MORRIS To most people a goiter 1 is simply an enlargement or swelling of the thyroid gland causing a bulging appearance ap ap- ap- ap in the throat This gland is Ls composed of ot two parts connected by a short bridge of tissue which passes over the windpipe There was perhaps a time In the deel development de el of man when the gland used wed to pour its secretion directly into the throat rind find the digestive tract but butt It t is now known as a gland eland of Internal secretion since the material that it develops is Ls poured directly into the blood When the thyroid gland Is normal it is not visible There is no bulging of the skin in fact it is felt with great difficulty However In abnormal abnor abnor- mal nal cases it changes il in consistency so 50 that hat it may both bolli be easily seen and felt According to Dr Robert C. C Cochrane Cochrane Coch Coch- rane the thyroid is the chief chiel organ of the body containing iodine Iodine Is s an essential substance for health and growth It is perhaps the most important important function functIon of the thyroid gland to store store this substance and to supply it Jt to the body as os n needed ede i forthe for forthe forthe the control of various processes 0 0 The thyroid gland is very sensitive to io stimuli of various sorts orts I In Id response re re- re- re I spouse to these stimuli the gland en larges large cs For example if U there is a deficiency of iodine in the food and water ta taken enby by the body the thyroid gland land enlarges perhaps due to the effect of try trying in to meet the demand of the body for this substance It is also well cst established that infections in elsewhere In the body may stimulate the gland to enlargement and there may be other causes cawes not yet known Physicians recognize various types of goiter dependent on the nature of the changes that take place In the thy thy- I 1 sold roid gland The most common I t goiter is that which occurs in i y yd girls around the thc ages of 12 and This L is the type associated wit with deficiency of iodine In the diet dIeL a a a If the condition is recognized o i I and treated b by small iodine Jodine the enlargement U Ii Ie seT t I great or permanent The can j may be prevented by making c n that the child has a sufficient a of iodine in its ils diet 3 This Thu is u particularly Important 13 northwestern portions of the Ule U Un States and in the Great Lak Lakes s where it has been well that the water and the soil are d dent in iodine The state of OI Carolina Is 18 known as the T 1 to state because It probably ha hi greatest amount of iodine in If Ie the gland become becomes much enlar due to a deficiency of iodine and nd enlargement is permanent o ono there then no way to control It except to lema rem ren the excessive tissues The cl t r son for the operation is 13 the vl of the unsightly m mass and th tb p t of ot pressure on the II nerva blood vessels and other tissues o of ft throat II |