Show 2 Year Old Murder l Suspect us Arrested CHICAGO Oct 4 P Tames James James Lof Lof- his tw 49 was in ln jail today pending Investigation In of a year old m murder which police had ud forgotten but which he hadn't Arrested yesterday during the American Legion parade as a pickpocket pickpocket pick pick- pocket suspect police police looked looked up his record and discovered that on Jan Janan January January uary 7 1913 he was wanted for mur der But the tie record didn't specify what murder so Loftus came came to the rescue In January 1913 he be said I Tread read in ini the papers that I was wu wanted for tor forthe the tho murder of Buck Schneider I told my father about it He was a politician He asked me if 11 I had killed Schneider I told him I didn't He said Forget Forset It If |