Show r i Provo Notes 1 Patients at the Utah State hospital celebrated Independence day Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- da day a day a ahead ad of ot July 4 with games and entertainments on the institution institution in I lawns under direction of oJ Superintendent Garland H. H Pace I New loan requirements for home modernization of ot the Home Owners Owners' Loan corporation were discussed by Robert L. L Elliott manager of the Provo branch before belore the Provo Kiwanis Kiwanis Ki Ki- wanis vanIs club dub da noon at the Hotel Roberts Arrest of ot two persons on liquor charges constituted the anI only excite excite- meat of oC Provo police on July 4 Ross Ka Kay Provo was arrested by Police Officer Arnel S. S Milner at a local cabaret for possession and released on 50 bail bait Frank Miller a transient transient transient tran tran- was arrested by Officer Albert Halladay on East Center str street t for tor i intoxication and is being held at t the county jail Seven carloads of ot cattle have been shipped from Utah county to yards at Salt Lake City and Ogden as a apart apart apart part of at the federal cattle slaughter slaught r pro program am according to County Agent Lyman S. S Rich Several more mor carloads carloads car car- loads will leave the county soon he said |