Show TERROR DICTATORSHIP FEARED IN GERMANY v People Stricken Horror-Stricken as Magnitude of Nazi Massacre Leaks Laks Out J. J By EDMOND TAYLOR Ci Chicago Tribune Copyright 1934 by by- bythe the MUNICH July 5 By Telephone to Paris As Parts As the smoke of Premier Hermann Goering's Urine lining squads lifts Germany begins to open her eyes In this part of or the country at least the Its first spontaneous feeling of relief that Chancellor Adolf AdoU Hitler had bad purged the nazi party of of its most sinister elements has lies given way to general uneasiness which is 18 rapidly developing into horror There is also alss a mounting wave oj ot terror error as the names of f those arrested or shot gradually leak out revealing that hat the government cleanup wasa was a veritable holocaust and many ex cx were simply imply assassinations a carried out in American gangster fashion Munich is aghast to learn that hat the bodies of ot three unofficial but bul I known cnown victims of oC Saturdays Saturday's action l were found alongside a country road another gangster touch touch and and that thai thata a fourth victim Dr Fritz pritz Beck well vell known cnown to United States students here heres as s director of the German foreign academic aca ace demic exchange bureau was shot a aIs at athis athis his Is desk by two assassins Three of the he most moet prominent members of the bavarian nobility are missing since Sunday and there are even rumors quite possibly unfounded that General Gen eral von Epp has been arrested Although the government does not dare lare let the th public get hold of oC a foreign paper and the local papers are not yet allowed to print many of the he details which were officially released re- re leased f to the foreign corr correspondents in n Berlin Monday there is already a growing growing- skepticism ov over r the story of the plot How Hov could the left wing nazi leader leaders lead lead- er ers like Roehm to say ray nothing of ol I people like Heines who was virtually a i bolshevik k have been en plotting with will General Kurt von Schleicher cher j. j a question you hear common people as ask k when they think there is no danger of being overheard Another question hitherto unheard in n Hitler Germany is Why doesn doesn't the he government tell us what really happened Are they afraid to let us know Thoughtful Germans who analyze the he official and check chec checkon on the multitude of rumors flying ling about already have answered ered these thes questions for tor themselves Their view which checks with the opinion of mos most foreIgn observers here and with will everythIng this correspondent can learn earn is a gloomy one for Germany |