Show OPTIMISTIC r rv s u t v f i I h F k v N Y n d ar Ty I Y v s I i a Y 1 E r a t c 4 a a. a Q et a hM Felix Doran Jr CHASE NAMED BY CHEVROLET Promoted to Pacific Regional Region Region- al Manager of Company Announcement of ot appointment of K M M. Chase as Pacific regional manager man ager agar of oC the Chevrolet Motor company company com com- pany pony was made Thursday by Felix Doran Jr assistant general sales manager in charge of the western half of the United States Mr Dorau Doran and Mr Dir Chase were ere in Salt Lake City for lor a number of meetIngs meetings meet meet- ings Svgs with wish intermountain Chevrolet distributors and dealers The sales program of the company was an an- noun rd d at a luncheon m meeting ting of the dealers at the Hotel Utah A note of or business optimism was sounded at the m meeting ting by Mr Doran Salt Lake City and the territory surrounding it are in a healthy bust bus ness Hess condition he said Information tion lion from our statisticians is ample proof We are arc looking to this territory territory terri terri- tory tort for one of the most outstanding sales performances of oI any section in m inthe the countr country Mr Air Chase is widely known in this area He lie was bras formerly regional manager manager man man- ager alter in the southwest with headquarters headquarters head bead quarters in D Dallas Dallas- Prior to that he was zone manager at Oklahoma City The two executives have been on tour for more than five weeks holdin holding hold hold- in ing sales conferences In all aU major cities of the west |