Show TROOPS HELD READY IN SAN FRANCISCO RIOTING 2000 TROOPS MAY BE SENT SEMI INTO SERVICE Police Shoot Into Strikers Many Fall 3 Said to Be Dying f FIGHTING I Q H TIN a IS VICIOUS Crowds of Commuters at Waterfront Menaced SAN FRANCISCO July 5 P JP- JP Reports from the battlefront said 18 men had been shot and nd 12 otherwise injured and gassed used Inthe in inthe inthe the rioting rioting- about the waterfront in in the dock strike Chief of Police William l J. J Quinn ordered out four radio cars with machine suns guns uns SAN FRANCISCO July 5 JP- JP Mobilization orders to 2000 militiamen militiamen militia militia- men and officers for duty in the San Francisco strike area should Governor Gover Gover- nor Frank Merriam call the national guard into action were received here today by Colonel R. R.- E. E The orders were received as the most intense fighting of the strike disorders broke out on the waterfront here with many men being shot and i gassed Three Three men 1 n shot in in skirmishes skir skir- with police were reported dying Police who previously had fired i over the heads of the rioters leveled th their heir r riot guns and pistols directly int into nto the ranks of tile the advancing men Several fell wounded and others were trampled underfoot as policemen's police mens men's clubs cracked their heads Colonel said he had 1000 troops available and nd probably could place the men on the th wa waterfront waterfront water water- er- er front ont within three thre hours Some 5 men states sates s 's national guard and these were ordered or ordered r- r dered to stand 11 by The troops were equipped with vomiting gas designed designed designed de de- de- de signed to render its victims helpless for at least two days Rioting increased in violence on the he waterfront a huge crowd cro hurling bricks at advancing policemen on Continued from Page Pace Two BLOODY RIOTS HIT S 8 F. F DOCKS Seven Persons Shot Light Eight Injured by Tear Gas in Fierce Battle Continued front from Pare Page One Steuart street where the Preparedness Prepared ness ne day parade bombing occurred in 1916 The fighting lighting neared the ferry build build- in inc where thousands of ot commuters pass pa 8 daily dady and then swept directly toward the headquarters of the International International Inter Inter- national Longshoremen's association Inter Inter-I wh whose e members are on strike with nine other maritime unions Another vicious riot occurred a block and a half hall from the ferry build build- ing tog The Thc police who had fired over the heads of or the rioters turned their aim directly into the ranks of ot the I milling men I Situation Becomes Tense on Waterfront Br Associated Fret Pru SAN FRANCISCO July 5 5 Furious Furious lighting fighting between union pickets and police pollee turned the San Francisco waterfront waterfront wa wa- into a bloody battleground today today today to to- day in a test of 01 strength upon the outcome outcome outcome out out- come of which hung plans for calling callin out the national guard Seven persons were reported shot eight injured by tear gas and an undetermined undetermined un un- determined number hurt by flying missiles in the first hour and a hall half hallof of battling There was a lull shortly before noon but the situation remained remained remained re re- critical Another riot broke out near the ferry building shortly before 1 p. p m. m when 1000 strikers gathered near piers 16 and 18 Police a again aln went Into action adion with tear gas bombs Eight arrests were made five made five on charges of ot inciting to riot two for forr r resisting officers and one for disturb disturb- ing the peace ce State authorities who may use the national guard because of interference ence by strikers with strikers with operation of ot the the state owned Belt Line railroad on the waterfront announced the violence halted work halted work on the trans trans- bay bridge The bridge is a state date project P Pistols fols roared sides ides as sev sev- ev police charged groups of of- strikers near the steamship steamship piers piers which were being relieved of cargoes by nonunion workers under bluecoat protection Gov Governor Frank F. F Merriam at Sacramento Sacramento Sac Sac- kept closely in touch with developments pending a decision on whether to use militiamen In Seattle two railroad trains guarded guard guard- ed by police rolled into a pier for mv un- loading Shippers there move broke a week two-week blockade set up up-by up by striking longshoremen Meanwhile Pr President Roosevelt's Roosevell's I labor disputes committee working on the walkout of ot longshoremen longshore longshore- men men and other maritime workers waited in vain for lor an answer from the various factions on its arbitration request request re reo re- re quest The board has announced it would wait until midnight before proceeding under the authority of the newly enacted federal labor Jabor disputes law v. The trouble here started after trucks began rolling into the steamship steamship steam steam- ship piers which are owned by the state The Thc immediate objective o of business leaders leaders- was to empty the piers and make way for lor more cargo Police instead of waiting for the pickets to o advance upon the trucks charged the union lines Jines First they laid down a barrage of or tear gas that tha drove pickets back for severa several blocks The strikers replied with a afew afew few lew rocks Strikers retreated to RIncon hillan hill an eminence e overlooking the waterfront waterfront water water- front front- and forming the San Francisco anchorage anchor ge for the big bridge bein being constructed across cross the bay Police charged charged up up the hill after them firing shots shot over the heads beads of the strikers Several shacks occupied by watching women and children were were- struck b by police bullets From the hilltop came answering a s ering shots The pistol and gas volley voney was wa too much for the union men e who y re re- re e- e treated Oh u Harrison street 1 o the piers bluecoats charged another crowd of pickets who retreated and threw up a barricade a-barricade of timbers The police broke through and fired shots over the pickets' pickets heads E. E L. L 1 Hodges a bystander was shot shoUn in the stomach and another nina man J. J Hart received a bullet in the left leg |