Show THREE MEN MENDIE DIE BENEATH STAND T rh Three ee Score Injured When Bleacher Collapses 1 at at N N. N Y Prison NEW V E YORK July 5 Three Three men died nci and approximately three score were injured as as- asa a grandstand collapsed pitch pitching ng inmates of the city's correction hospital Into a ling Cling mass of humanity Eleven hundred other Inmates of the institution where a riot marked marke the Fourth of July a year car ago joined guards and doctors doctor la rescue cue work Those killed were crushed beneath the grandstand while playing a card ard Came Prisoners Prisoners- built the grandstand a afew afew few lew days das ago fo io o that men unable to stand could enjoy the thc games Detectives Detec Detec- tives lives said zaid their use of cast iron instead instead in in- stead of steel pipe for the frame was faulty bult |