Show Visitors' Visitors Day Plans Made by C. C M. M T. T C. C Program for visitors' visitors day at the citizens' citizens military training camp at Fort Douglas August 3 was vas announced announced announced an an- Tuesday by post officials Activities will begin at 9 a. a m. m and invitations have been sent to governors governors governors gover gover- nors and prominent citizens of Utah Idaho Wyoming and Nevada and to parents of youths enrolled in the camp The program will open with a half hall hour of calisthenics followed by a demonstration of close order and extended extended ex ex- tended drill and rifle and machine gun companies in attack from until 1030 a. a m. m From 1045 until 1115 a. a m. m awards will be presented for various camp activities and the battalion will parade parade parade pa pa- rade at 1130 a a. a m. m Tour of the camp will conclude the days day's ceremonies |