Show 0 30 STATES WANT LOANS FOR RELIEF First Eight Definitely to Ask Amounts Request Total PENNSYLVANIA LEADS LIST Governor Pinchot Indicates I I Need i By Au Associated elated Press WASHINGTON Aug 19 19 White White WhiteHouse House officials made known late to today to- to day that President Hoover would no not place his signature upon the 2122 relief bill before tomorrow thereby hereby allowing him more time t to complete plans for tor reorganization o ohe of the he Reconstruction Finance corpora corpora- ion tion I By J. J II H. H JENKINS Associated Press Staff start Writer I WASHINGTON July 19 Thirty 19 Thirty states today had signified the probability probe ability that they will ask a portion of ot the provided in the closing hours o of congress for direct relief of unemployment The first eight ight definitely to Indicate Indicate Indi Indi- cate the amounts needed gave a total of to be asked immedi immedi- Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsyl Pennsyl- vania has written the Reconstruction corporation asserting his state needs and Representative Briten Britten Brit Brit- ten en said Illinois doubtless will need I as much The fund is to be distributed in the form lorm of loans to states which will distribute the money among their relie relief re- re lie lief agencies President Hoover planned to sign the he bill today Immediately af afterward the he corporation is expected to formulate formu formu- late ate regulations under which ions arc are to tObe be made by bythe the governors of the states I w I l I MAY l WAIVE R RULE i Although no method of procedure would be outlined now by the corporation corporation corporation corpo corpo- ration it was regarded there as likely that the directorate would waive its rule that loan applications must be made to the nearest of th the 33 district offices In this event the applications would be direct to t the e corporation here and quickly passed upon All applications applications whether for aid of a city county or other political l subdivision must be attested under the act by the governor governor governor gover gover- nor of the state The bill provides that not more than 15 per cent of t the e may be allotted to any one state Governor Gover Gover- nor Pinchot who last year appealed for federal aid to stem destitution in inthe inthe inthe the Pennsylvania coal fields was the first to take direct action But representatives of Governor Emmerson of ot Illinois have been in Washington several days and have discussed their situation with directors directors directors tors of the corporation Pinchot wrote the board last night asking that be made Immediately immediately immediately imme imme- available for Pennsylvania William H. H Sexton of at Chicago and Dewitt Billman of Springfield urged Governor Emmerson over the tele- tele Continued on OD Pare pue Two 30 STATES WANT LOANS FOR RELIEF Continued from Page Face One phone to hasten an application t to Washington so so the corporation could pass on a a loan to Illinois by Friday This application they said is imperative imperative im im- im- im to prevent closing of relief relic agencies In Sn the state particularly in Cook county The states which have hav signified their definite intention of 1 making makin destitution loans loans' and the tho amounts they will probably ask follow Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas 2 2 Michigan Missouri Mis sour Pennsylvania 45 45 Utah West Virginia Virgi Virgi- ma nia In addition to the destitution loans most of the states will ask large sums for public works and nd to match federal aid highway money under the terms of the act permitting such borrowing the money to be repaid over a term of years I There are a few states which probably probably probably ably cannot take advantage of the law aw Florida's constitution forbids any bond jond issues or borrowing Nebraska operates on a pay as you go p plan m mand and has bas no bond Issue and no Ol loan will be asked Florida Maine Maryland Massa Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire North Dakota South Carolina and Vermont officials om- om dais dals indicated in response to inquiries that they would ask no loans Information compiled complied by the Associated Asso Asso- elated Press from the various state capitals also shows that Alabama Anzona Arizona Ari An- zona California New Mexico and Tennessee governors governor are awaiting the text ext of the bill before deciding what to o do Officials in Colorado Connecticut Georgia Idaho Minnesota Mississippi Mississippi sippi North Carolina Oregon Rhode Island Texas Virginia and as yet are undecided as to how much will be asked If any f for r destitution aid Montana has signified the intention of borrowing for highways and Wyoming plans to seek seck for or highways |