Show j I Tea Ta for Miss McGaughey Mr Mrs James A. A Hogle entertained at ata a tea tell on Sunday from 7 to 10 p. p m. m In Inthe Inthe inthe the garden of the Hogle home on East South Temple street honoring Miss Hester McGaughey who leaves soon for the east to make her home The guests included women active in Y Yv W v C. C A. A work and close friends of the honored guest est Mrs A. A E. E Eberhardt Eberhardt Eber- Eber hardt and Mrs Sarah Boggs assisted the hostess Mr and Mrs Fred C. C Dern Dem have as their guest at their home in the apartments Miss Frances Morgan of Columbus Ohio who arrived ar rived Tuesday to spend some time with them Miss Katherine Hogle who vho has been bee at the University of ot Chicago has re returned returned returned re- re turned to Salt Lake to spend the summer summer sum sum- mer with her parents Mr and Mrs J. J A. A Hogle S Susanna Eaton tent will wID hold i itc it regular meeting on Thursday at 2 p. p m. m at I. I O. O O. O F F. halL halt i Mrs C. C G. G Which Mrs E. E H H. i Schraga and Mrs N. N L. L Stewart have hav returned from rom a motor trip to Ye Yel national park Mrs Grant Gregerson has gone t to Greeley Colo Cob where she was called I by the illness of her mother I r N 5 S r I L I l L l I I The regular meeting of the Filth Fifth ward women's Democratic stud study group will be held at the residence o of Mrs E. E B. B Harrison East Third Thir South street at 8 p. p In m. Wednesday Mrs Charles O. O Banner Bonner will be th the assisting hostess The speaker will b be Delbert M lL L Draper state chairman who will give a resume of the Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic national convention Miss Catherine Bonner Banner will give a reading Bethel No 1 and and Bethel No 2 Jobs Job's Daughters will attend a conjoint conjoint con con- joint outing at Lagoon Wednesday Members are asked to take the 13 p. p m. m train tram A group of or a dozen girls is spending some time with wilh Miss Frances Parsons Parson at the Fisher Harris cottage at ton Mrs Joseph D. D Herrick of St St. Louis Mo has arrived to visit Mr and Mrs T. T L. L Holm Holman ln at their home on East South Temple street Mrs Herrick is a sister of Mrs Holman Miss PatrIcia Holman who has been visiting he her aunt in m St St. Louis accompanied her t to Salt Lake Mrs Clara Clar l M. M Bell has returned from a visit with her son in Ely Nev The meeting o of the Berean society of the Central Christian church has ha been postponed until July 28 Sigma Nu active alumnae ant and pledge members will hold an informal dancing party Friday evening at Memorial Memorial Me Me- morial house Memory park City Creek canyon Henry McGean an anFord and Ford Barlow a aze ae e in charge of ar are ar- ar |