Show IDE I INSIDE 1 STUFF TUFF S Politics and Finance ft McClure Newspaper Syndicate r. r WASHINGTON f By Paul l president Hoover thought though Governor Covert Gover- Gover t nor or Roosevelt was trying to spotlight 5 L his St Sl Lawrence waterways surprise I party That was the real reason why he remarks at the threw a few dusty Democratic presidential candidate in i his reply He was trying to keep secret the t tn that viat t of a treaty with Canada was v S nearing a successful con con- elusion He naturally to keep I to himself himsel the prestige that will go with rith opening that avenue to the sea He thinks it will be the big number i I Of his administration F E Roosevelt has been watching devel- devel r- r cements with a hawks hawk's s eye and a at a anice anice nice point telegraphed a suggestion that he get in on the play No wonder the president shriveled p up and emitted fire 1 The treaty will carry Important po po- po i f support Farmers and business en In tho the middle west will vIII cheer It v A group roop of New York City promoters l' l Is b anxiously on investments in liI al D ng the river They ml might ht be persuaded per per- to loosen up quite a a. little tittle campaign cam cam- e when the agreement is re reached r f a aLi r Li No treaty was vas ever developed in a stranger way Canadian Minister I H Herridge h has s been back and lad forth to Ottawa with ideas He buzzes here in the ear of Assistant Secretary of State Rogers The Ottawa Otta Otti wa end for us is handled by Minister MacNider whose prestige was helped by his little boom for the vice presidential presidential nomination to All three have been acting in the Utmost secrecy for the past few months Our new lumber and copper tariffs made such secrecy necessary to protect pro pro- the Can Canadian di n government The Then Canadians n cannot canno forget what we did to them on those two wo commodities e a a a Roosevelt will get et In hi on the play for forthe forthe forthe the St. St L Lawrence wren e yet For the past year tiar ar it has been one ODe of his private hobbies as welt well Is as s' s Mr Hoovers Hoover's for five years His Hi first letter to the president on Cn the subject some months ago was purposely purposely pur pur- p lost by one of the White House secretaries Days later it was Vias found in the state department Roosevelt got a half halt kidding reply from Assistant Assis Assis- tant taUnt Secretary Castle addressed Dear Frank This time he got a word telegraphic telegraphic tele tele- graphic response which response which may mayor or may not noti indicate that he Is getting up in the world a a a Labor Libor as represented b by the A. A F. F of L L. is trying to keep out of the pros campaign It says sas publicly it will not indorse any party On the inside practically all the leaders arc are for Roosevelt and Garner especially Garner The speaker has carried many a private tc legislative load for that group during this session and othe oth others rs before it a a Nobody called Garner off oU on his re reo re- re lid lief fight with the president He just wanted to make an issue isue for the campaign cam cam- on the question of Individual loans Loans from the R. R F. F C. C When he hc did that that and Mr Hoover he acceded ac ac- ac ceded eded to the presidents president's request There has been no coordination n be be- tWI IWeen cen Roosevelt and Garner this ses- ses Zion IOU Sources that ought to know say Continued on ol Page PAce Two I Stuff Inside aside Stuff Politics s Finance n Continued from Pare Fuse One there has been practically ally no correspondence correspondence corre corre- between them Garner Gamer has acted wholly without consultation with the presidential nominee or nominee or anyone else elsa save sa his few intimate friends e C a aThis This country is Ss g getting the double O 0 in presidents and candidates Owls Owl's eyes are ara in the first syllables of the names of Hoover and md Roosevelt The mystics may be able to figure that out The campaign started out in a peculiar way with the two candidates writing telegrams to each other Mr Hoovers Hoover's managers managers man man- agers are contemplating speaking engagements en en- for him late In the fall tall at Boston Chicago and New York 1 No other city is on the list yet 1 They say the thc presidents president's acceptance I speech to pr prohibition will willbe willbe willbe be based largely on th the idea that the Democratic platform would mean a return of the saloon That theme would keep the speech from being either cither wetter or drier than the plat plat- form lorm Republicans say they are going to concentrate their campaign fire lar largely ely on Garner and his bis record in the house They think Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt is too strong in some sections to warrant a frontal attack against him He will be treated generally as an amiable gentleman NEW YORK By fly y James Tames l I There is a marked difference In th the psychology of the financial element clement and the business element in this city Banking and stock market inter Interests spend a lot of ot time weeping wailing wailin and gnashing their heir teeth Large industrial industrial in in- corporations with headquarters here seem less affected by gloomy forebodings Most of the latter have hav made internal readjustments to show sho profits on smaller sales volume and andare andare andare are fairly optimistic about the future a a a aAn An important industrial concern with headquarters in New York reports reports re r ports that the number of its individual ual stockholders showed a greater increase in ih crease last week than in any other week in Sn the past two years It is pleased with this development but a aa at ata ata a loss to account for tor it ft since no particular par par- effort was made along these lines a a aThe The original national vest pocket trust has run into so many obstacle s that its activities are indefinitely no t I The idea has taken the be bela la fancy of ot large companies and similar or under more conservative auspices are in the planning stage It IUs is reported that most of ot the ob to the original plan will be eliminated Among other things the units will be larger larger Jarger probably ten len share hare lots instead of single shares shares- I and overhead cost t to the purchaser will vill be considerably smaller Efforts are being made to get at least the tacit taci acquiescence of stock exchange au au- au menu meat for tor this prospective develop a scenes the attempts to run i up the tha price of B. B M. M T T. and und Auburn stock as forecast in this column three a ago o began to lo bear fruit last week People sponsoring the B B B. M t. r. r T. T drive now have an opportunity to get et out from rom under Stock exchange authorities have been lenient with Auburn players Every spectacular rocketing of this stock lately has had a tendency to pull the rest of ot the market slightly in an upward d direction The authorities think hink this is good stuff and are there there- fore rore ore not discouraging those ble New f tumors rumors 0 have been floating around round r the town about a possible clos cbs ing Lag of ot the stock exchange There is nothing lothing to them then Conditions would I have to get much worse than they are I before such an emergency measure would be adopted |