Show Fish Raps Roosevelt i for Tammany r Speech pc ch ClR CARMEL E 11 T. T 1 July 6 G AP- AP n Hamilton Irish Jr of ot tJ York New in an nn address before the P Put Put- n n J county n Republican n committee toda today attn attacked ked th the Independence I Iday day addres s Governor nor l D. D Roosevelt at halt hall In In h New NewYork York L 5 It certainly wa was 8 1 R a a. curious and unhappy place t tb to select for tor n hoI ho I eating such Ii a cause he said re re- re ferring to to the th govel ors or's plea plea- for tor separation of ot government n and bustness bust bus ness tor It there J Is one tl ln In III hn h s been In- In mixed up kinds of business b bigand and little from 2 tt to fI lIh h- h cart peddler It In is hall |