Show Dutch butch Officers rB td to Probe Raid on n Willena Willemstad tad THE ri HAGUE liE Holland July 6 G AP P e Dutch police arid mili hili military tar tary tl officers rs' rs wilt leave for tor Curacao shortly to h hUt Institute Ut ute tn n inq inquiry In into to th tho conduct of ot the polke and military mili mW tary authorities a of of that ciol colony ny oh Oi i ithe the occasion don of or the Willemstad Ut raid b by filibuster l last st month They The are arp M. M t. t g r formerly for lor- merly h head of or the in the East Enst Indies Colonel Ben Ben- wits WItz formerly orm military com com- commander corn com mander of n and M. M Riek h police l inspector r at Th The Rogue Tho destroyer r Is la retUrning returning re- re tUrning frOm Monday She was ws is d dispatched p posthaste there be because because bec be be- c cause cause- u e of ot this the raid hut but but her e presence pres pros enco ence is Js no longer er regarded as 58 n nod ned esary ds riP th the battleship s Hendrick is now there |