Show AVIATOR R SAVES 5 fROM WAIf Naval Flier Drops Drops' Plane to Bay to Rescue Children ANN ANNAPOLIS POLIS July 6 AP AP-A AP A navy seaplane in service here for forthe forthe forthe the training of nav naval l academy midshipmen midshipmen midshipmen mid mid- today rescued five children children children chil chil- dren whom its pil pilot t Lieutenant Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward S. S sighted clinging to an overturned boat boatin in Chesapeake bay Lieutenant l ron brought hI his plane down beside the boat and took the children on board The rue plane pIano already carried carded its full fun load or of el eight ht men and Lieutenant lul Mul Mu- heron ron was unable to fly with the Uie added load He He- taxied over the waters vaters into the Miles U es rIver to St. St Michaels l where here ho turned d the children over to the care caro of the fa father father fa- fa ather a- a ther of or one ono one of ot them and arid then re returned returned re- re turned to the J Java ul a academy to tomako tomako mako an official i Tho children were Louis Burns Sarah Allen Dor Dorothy thy T Taylor and Warthman Dods Dodson n all aU of ot St St. Michaels Michaels Mich Mich- aels ads and Owens o of Wash Wash- ington They told their rescuers rescuers that they had been clinging to the overturned o boat for some time |