Show i Where to Get mi What You Want T Is Told i i V iii in 7 a v Few y Minutes 4 FUNERAL DIRECTORS DESERET Serves ah iii Ui public members members' or non non- members member Was Vai Was Vi 24 4 Service Above All funeral director and embalmer Was flea Res 27 73 E. E i 1st South INTERMOUNTAIN Mortuary Co 1445 State H Hy K 16 a A CO tn morticians Prices Price a aa reasonable as any Service better 33 So Edt East Was C gl a. a M. M t. t TAYLOR CO A A spirit of friendly sympathy marks mark evry feature nf our servIce K E. lit 1st So Was Waa FLORISTS HOBDAY'S SLOWER SHOP Quality always 2 So o. o Main IaIn Was Wat HOUSE OF FLOWERS OF WAS Fu Funeral Fu- Fu nets designs and cut flowers Summer price pee Main at Monuments A Tombstones GRANITE GLASS MARKERS Regular size ilac Douglas Monument Co 1 So AVest Temple Temple- Was CAFE TRY jour ur Special p Breakfast Dinner c. c Eat more Cafe W. W 2nd Eo So Jensen pro pro- Stove and Furnace Repairing CALL Foundry for all iii kinds kind of toy tove repairs repair Was Vai PIANO JAZZ 1 12 LESSONS note ear Mod short meth od H. H Main Hy 21 W. V PRINTING w QUALITY quick better printing WEST ERN Tem rem Was PLUMBING AND HEATING I A A. A 2 li SI Hl K Lake e oldest and most reliable plumb W. W HUH HUHg g E DISPLAY i is s CLASSIFIED I IBUS BUS TRANSPORTATION w J-w w Yellowstone 4 Park C By Bus Idaho Palls St. St Anthony floIe Io Ane- Ane Denver Dener II- II UNION BUS STATION KAST WAH VM TRAVEL Stages All AH Eastern Cities Fully Insured Fatter Faster Service Lowest Rates Dally Daily Schedule Schedule- a. a m rn v Phone Phona Wasatch Windsor Hotel So Main PAINTING PAPERHANGING CLEANING K Keate ate Co Inc Spray and Brush P Painting Phone Hy I- I for Painting and andI I fc Pap T i Call Was Wai S HANGER SON So FIrst West MISCELLANEOUS FOR MEN Dr Griffith Success f Experience and 1134 So Main St St. f- f Help Us to toa Help Others a I Will call cal for cloth maga magazines p zine papers papera SALVATION ARMY E. E lit 1st So I Was 1044 Independent nt Ice Co P. P H. H H. Mgr J Come and get It and save Station No 1 1 W. W So Temple Station No 2 E. E South Station No 3 1702 South State Station No 4 SQ South Main For Delivery Call Was 1234 UBURN BURN Keep Cool Only p per r load All new wood ic od ready cut delivered to your door SALT LAKE BOX CO So Sm W. W Was Doctor William Anderson I H Ha moved his office from the Deseret to Ezra son son Room CARPENTER WORK AMERICA MILL CO INC work nil kinds of cabinet work worl tore or fronts sash screens re re- re modeling general repairing OffIce Office 0 FIfth st st. Was Wa EN contracting Home rep ren painting roof roofing Wa Vaz J. SHOE REPAIRING O. O K K SHOE REP SHOP 41 S L STATE EXPERT WORK AT LOW PRICES LEARN TO SWIM SPECIAL summer course fo for gina gym Was 1424 OFFICE SUPPLIES COMPLETE tin line of s supplies i ant and equipment CO 23 V VF 1st So ATTORNEYS NATIONAL LAW ASS S Atlas Wig Divorce bankruptcy contracts contract troubles Legal Information Ad- Ad joe free Interview confidential WANTED MALE HELP RELIABLE man with car a a. a DIRECT FACTORY representative In Ball L ko City and nearby Na Unusual for ad ad- Mn t b to tart start tarton on Or basl- basl COMPANY Cr Creek k EXPERIENCED travel unloading rail yaIl road foremen foreman none other need apply Railroad carpenter alto also extra gene railroad laborer Call at W. W 2nd South V i A WANTED AGENTS Industrious person to introduce and th the demand for fol Household Products in Wayne South Fast Enit Milliard Southwest Silt Salt Lake Lak ant and Du- Du chen counties sod and various other towns Or rural districts district part li 1150 a profit Methods Method ret every every- where No o selling experience required wo We supply outfit r and ser ser method you ou need ProfIts Prof Prof- Its Increase every month Lowest prices price heat best values value service W W-T. W Co Co UT D ner Cob DISTRIBUTOR for storo lOO route this county experience No log Ing distribute and collect Should w weekly ekly Write Writ Pin Perls Co Pa SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN yo You about about- b ut e week with tailoring Men who sell eel Famous Patrick all wool nulls euitt and overcoats made to measure big earnings flonus for fot producers Patrick Pat rick nationally advertised for over over 20 21 years year Union label If it desired J pat terns tern more mon repeat business territory protects pro protects your efforts Write or orr wire at once DOT Box I DULUTH Du- Du luth Minn well eel to all retailers advance rash cash lion with 10 40 Weekly ru pet me weekly Box 19 3 Cedar Rapids SCHOOLS AND jEN I UP i month Steady work Common education usually sufficient Vatu Valuable able book with ll hit t positions posItIon sample tn-E tn IdE Write Immediately Franklin institute Dept E. E Roche ter N N. T. T BEAUTY CULTURE THE UTAH HIGH SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE 32 12 t to H Curt r. bIJ Phone Phon Vaa Va Biggest end nd finest school west of ci Free Pr marcel SCHOOl SCHOOr OF OP BEATT DEAT all features feature of beau ty ty Studio 30 to 30 10 son son bide bldr Was Waa LOST AND FOUND LJ IN p LOST SOMETHING SOMEThING-A A pet pat a keepsake an article of clothing valuable papers Jewelry or what not Perhaps tho find finder er en Is a Telegram subscriber and right this minute Is watching for the owner to it Insert an Identifying description Vatu able are recovered every from this thu column column- Phone your our lost ad to AVa- AVa atch ad takers HOWE camera and a Ger German man field glass or or- Sunday Return to chief or of- police LIBERAL I MEN'S MENS shell rim In black case cape Wed Was Vai ian R Reward LOST LOST On July 3rd tan barneis barnet bar bar- net neis with license heroic No Call Hy Ily W. W REWARD LOST lans lan's Mans Man's blue coat on we wl l side aide Reward Call sWai Wae 84 R. 3 LAUNDRIES LAuNDRIES'S 0 S. S a. a for handling your rout dainty summer and guar not to Our prices price are reasonable Send Scott lt it to the laundry STAt STAR LAUNDRY LAUDRY Jefferson Was Kit 2611 CLEANING AND DYEING MEN tE Special We call and Ut deliver II 11 per suit Salt Lake Dyeing Co 1 E. E youth South Hylend CLEANING PRESSiNG REPAIRING alteration Let Lettis us tusk make your ne nest t suit cult Hyland lyland Tailor Hy REGAL CLEANING ft CO E. E 2nd So Was 10 Clothes cleaned deodorizing process STERLING CLEANING CO Satisfaction guaranteed Reasonable e EAST RAST WASATCH KEY AND LOCK WORK QUICK ANYWHERE All Kinds of sharpening Rackets Racket Re strung Call Glen Vai USE ISIS Regent St. St ALL Att kinds kind keys made mads while you wall wait or any place 33 So State W. W Mowers Sharpened WH and repair regal lawn mow era ens Cell Call for anti and deliver Ideal Repair Shop Hit so E P. P Hy y 1111 LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED We W Was Wa C. C A FOWLER 6 CS WEST 3RD SOUTH v a 1 I TT V TT HOME Home ownership pv means meins independence it establishes pride and confidence e it nates nates' worries worries- worries moving moving days and rent bills bil It lt is the safest soundest in i all the world on which to build your pur futures future Read the he Real Estate page and you will discover that you your too can quite easily acquire a a of your own r t. t t h. h 1 h 4 i c- c t C FOR UNFURNISHED HOUSES TIFFANY CT Bet 1st and and- i SPLENDID ito Or oP tt t COMPACT AN AI WELL ARi AR ROOMS 3 BEDROOMS HATH KITCHEN MiD AND AND GOOD GOOt AT CALL AT W. W TH NO WAS VAS amR f r NORTH WEST CORNER EAST AND ROOSEVELT ROOSEVEtT AVENUE 1440 EAST STREET TWO BLOCKS FROM SCHOOL OIL OIL-O-MATIC hEAT GARAGE ELECTRIC ICEBOX ELSe KLEC- TRIG RANGE EXCELLENT CONDITION CONDI TION HOUSE MAR HAS CUR CURTAINS CURTAINS WONDERFUL LOCATION FOR PHYSICIAN ANt AND SURGEON RENT 17 76 KEY TO PREMISES FIRST DOOR NORTH OV ON EAST STREET 1040 EAST 1 NEAR UNIVERSITY AND s room S-room room date up-to-date brick ek floors floor full tuii cemented basement with laundry equipment furnace etc LOAN A TRUST CO Wa E E. 2nd South fly Hy PLACE at 3rd at 3rd So So V mod brick hot air furnace a- a anice nice yard a a house by for Call Waa CaH Wa 0 17 T t frames frame 44 acre cr barn 47 So Pueblo 11 t. t ht U. And lith West Utah Loan i modern linoleum in kitchen fl Hy COZY 4 room cottage j garage araie fort for mat family i i Ii 1 t. t Apply Apol 2 G at it 4 ROOMS and sleeping porch Bo Ho TWO and 3 2 with lino 1100 In c In house home Mil Vf ird 3rd- No ACRES fruit and water wll rent subject 17 iT E E. So Home for cowand chickens chicken ICy M 3 mod ave 1 Woh So Murray lit lit-J. MO 4 sleeping ly and painted Ul Va 1710 R. fo- fo S cottage Heather ct 1 I So Sn bet 7 E. E Hp W. 4 ROOM mod fa tiny and hot water in for 1252 Del od Call Wa tiB 7 RM Str mod full CS So 2nd Est M. FURNISHED lOUSES HOUSES I AND 2 3 rm Kit gaa Hi light ht a at if Included 23 and up So State Evana apt TERRACE 2 private bath J. COOL home lawn home lawn very very- reasonable Ind ave APARTMENTS POR CHOICE The Buckingham 4 1 5 rm alt with fill 1171 NEW CORONA CORONA Cosily die l rn br brie and drain board aIrs aIrs- So 2nd E. E Cot apt 40 flu 4 4 apt 60 SO iJ East South Temple AVa Wa closets gs g. stove and lights furn s. s 1106 So Sc State i t i Gaet 1 I Oas ranted range cook cook- stove and lino E Ith So Apt MAHDEEN MAUDEEN APTS 47 So East Newt Newly dec dec- room week ormo E E. E Std So One One One- rm apt ange and In Lea fea- turc ture porch parch The Te latest thing First floor tR R tf 2 ROOt ROOM basement partly furnished D at St After p. p m. m o Sunday i FURNISHED FURNISHED- APARTMENTS APIS New New- modern convenient nL Furnished e o Deal location and see ill 5 E. E Ird 3rd So v SHUBRICK S. APIS Tempts Tempi and Fourth South Newly finished High eta class refrigerators and ranges r w rents New management RICHMOND iOta end hotel room Mote Utah block block- East JO N. N Temple Temple- 2 suites completely furnished furnished tor go houas keeping light and gas gal spa telephone telephone-In each apU mild maid desired or or inc nio WHITE FAWN APTS N. N W. W Tem rem pie Choice rm 3 elect range rang turn fort Was War Wa Wai 1822 THE rIlE APTS 34 So Main Choice apt apie New mgmt CE Oster Was TV Also for GOOCH APIS 2 3 4 rm turn lurn or un turn furn apt apts Wa Wail Wai l ll S 12 B.- B. 1st E So OF 4 aPts newly turn furn Known a as E. E th So Inq apt 1 c C. F. F E. and owner Was Vai HOLLYWOOD APT 34 J F. F B. B 1st South South- 4 room modern rail atI Prig Frig Idair rent CLEAN CLEAN- 2 I and 3 apt SO M Fre light and gas a. a 44 South West Temple l RI FURN floor ISO Center st p APT Modern l 2 So E nice clean kitchenette light and phone thone IO 10 So Jt Ith E E- Hy J. TWO a 3 apt apIs clean and alry ary also private bath Across Across' street f froni arty erty park S. S Ith Ea ROOM AND AND- BOARD GOOD home clean clean- single single- z whole some acme food 1073 1072 3rd ae a 11 Hy HOTELS LINCOLN Gl HOUSE 81 E E. E let 1st South ItS SOc Week or month Was rt LENOX HOTEL 4 W. W had 2nd So center cell cen ter city Modern teas teaL WILSON HOTEL Modern Up to service 32 U E. E 2nd So W. W 11 21 STORAGE MOVING TOUR PINE FINE CHINA A HOUSEHOLD GOODS ars Cr worth worth-a. tor and deserve consideration our Our- storage are ars splendid clean sand orderly Wo We are not lInt bothered with rat rai or became we do not store Ou Oar picker packers are trained men with year with years of experience We are of our set str vie vice and Invite Inspection fully answered i Possibly our lug sug- might help belo you ou MOVING PACKING SHIPPING Redman tan Fireproof storage Co 13 So West str Was 1413 you your household t good get etc get our prices Stati Stalls 8 IS auto uto motile monies 33 2 open storage 11 1 and up W We pick pack and ship furniture anywhere Wt W. barge less and ad haul free BROADWAY WAREHOUSE Roar Raar Community Market Was il ChEAP STORAGE means mean DANGER FROM FIRE RED BED hUGS BUGS and VERMIN People who have vermin In their select CHEA CUBA STORAGE Tor Voi safe afi expert packing call Was fl- fl yiRE- yiRE pROP STORAGE co CALL ita Hadley Transfer Storage Co Experienced courteous courteous- m men n who solve your moving problems W. W 1171 or 1711 J ft itt M.- CO Motor vans vane experienced nen Was ViL im 4 l-J. l LARGE city or out if it town Mollerup's Wax Wat 1162 or WaS Waa Ri 3 TRANSPORT FAST AST NEW All kind of of- Reasonable rate Hy Hr SHIP TICKETS STEAMSHIP tickets ship an a any line iiii at eget Complete on I tours and cruise American Express Co Cr 74 W 24 Si Tl Vae FERTILIZER u U BAKER RAKER MOTOR COMPANY lr Bo and 3rd at it FOR FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED TIRES TUBES TUBES' Largest stock In city elty to- to select i E. E L L. TIRE CO B 3rd So o. o Phone USED LUMBER suh do ri WindoW lures ures slid n JO 30 W. W So ELECTRIC metal tub tub J piece S overstuffed living room roona set eel makes make Inter a. a HIO floor covering dinIng Ji o.- o. ECONOMY nesy new Plumbing rood goot complete Toiled Tollet complete III rood rood- a new P Putt so 0 gal Acme m mK K l Ivo 7 c 13 roll V new only fl II ruts only 1112 IS Temple utah Wrecking Cn Sa So CANET AYD DISPLAY CASES j CASES AND ANDALl ALl KINDS OF STORE FIXTURES I B CABINET FIXTURE CO 32 MEAT lee boa elic r-nn r l candy fixtures opera eh lr W. W k at bUR KOR OB OR SEE yvO DUST CO ST. ST WAS 1171 JA CASH CASIL sir se adding chine chines slicing B and tor bou bought ht acid oj au exchanged V. W. 3rd Rooth Petty Peery Hotel bldr Wat Ws Hi 2112 CHERRIES CHERRIE- alt all kinds kinda 1171 1111 S. S 1 BO 80 Hy j s. s ALL KINDS W. P.- P. GAR F. OAB- OAB flY 4 DINER J 1140 0 SO lilT g. g ODOR GOOD lathe lath with Ift 1 bs l. l Was Sill CU 2 E. E South Temple MEAT CASES CANDY CASES New aria anft M Mar r- r A Co Mfr i X 2nd West BPi TENT ft Le W buy eel ell rent hand tents S. WT Vi W Temple T Was C at n In I pane and records cheap for 23 So ith E. E Ion for tile cheap at r month of WestInghouse VVe hoUs range Nearly new Cost t j t SIlO XIO tit So West Vest IRON DED BED Good spring and mat tress treas leo 77 gai So 1 2 CAFE K STOOLS tables table general equipment s W. W I 38 35 RICHARDS ORD TON TRUCK 1121 MODEL 4 TON TRUCK AND CRANK SHAFT BALANCED loot loot- STATE AUCTION AUCTION- SALES SALES- AUCTION SALES on on tune ture livestock stocks stock ii I or out out- of town TV W. II IL ADAMS AUCTION TION STATE OTATE Y TIIA LES M. M auctioneer pay ash price for your id 1642 THAMES DEBRICK pay high ih cash price furn for your f Hy buys and sells furniture rut sic etc Bent Beet prices Was War WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Porn ref Furn ret upholster r. r EUth E. 80 Ui eS tsa HUME HOME Furniture Repair Co Beable UI W s. s Temple W. W 2224 PICTURES AND FRAMES PICTURES ItES' ItES I imd on tb most ve raf and ramea In city Eng berg l 1221 So l Wa W. 1211 I s 's RADIOS RADIO and antenna by y Vt We guarantee results or of- mone ISO Malts Main Was MONEY TO LOAN 0 LOAN AF I service without red tape Js is when d An Auto to Loan company company- la Salt take Lake Oar loan limit are I r liberal rates ar an r reasonable If requested sour will call I I ff L CB ci your nol If steadily employed N r required and no red tape lapa Quick service Pay Py back back Ia IB easy pay py ments Se I Employees Society iI WAS 1170 ERWIN LOA N AND INVESTMENT CO Continental Was Waa LOANS AUTOMOBILE Phone representative to call MONEY PrO TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL RESTATE Ko No commissions No attorneys attorney's Ko No eastern company No flo d Isy K No complications Attractive terms TRACY LOAN ZOAN A TRUST It Main Street QUICK LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE IN STRICT CONFIDENCE No security po red taps ser vice H and up at rates payments 1 lOi Scott l CASU CASU CREDIT CO Su Successors o H.- H. L. L Drake Auto Loans and Refinancing LOANS LAN ON YOU TOUR r CARL CAR BUDGET SYSTEM INC MOTOR PRONE PHONE WAS silL LOANA loans rosy may bs' bs on special ts terms m. m by which you may reduce Interest cost 1 Ii Iio to- to o- o 4 per cents cent DEPOSIT COMPANY Bldr Los An or U. U National DanH Denver ener TERM L and mortgage Set Lueas lor mv Co 4 U West Wiet 2nd South lauth Was 21 14 loans en oa Jewelry for JOcHi for lor loan less Provident Loan Society E. E K X CASH ASH for |