Show l' l t t i r Alabama Seeks Seek Game for J With Army t TUSCALOOSA roOSA Ala AP P-A P A move ha has has' S' S been launched b by alum u m 4 nl flu council of ot University of ot Ala Alabama to bring football teams of ot Alabama and the Army t On on the iron in Jn 1931 r j I IThe ba bs The Thc game ganie probably w played in New York Tork N Negotiation go for the thc game gamp hay havo be hem been n under way wag for some U time says p Burr ri Birmingham attorn attorney y and anda a men OJ 1 ber of ot the thc councIl Both teams have hivo established Im Inie o records records' I In l i il contests in re recent ent years a sa d' d acon OOn n test lest would be e c. c nother t test pf the east st st. anc amI tr i of ot teams front from the south Yale Tale lj Is topi play y sity of or G Georgia or orgia lo at Athens I. I t |