Show WOMEN OPPOSE LAW DRY VOTE WASHINGTON April Apri 18 13 F Thc T The Te Womans Woman's National Committee for forLaw forLaw Law Lw Enforcement today launched into the business of a three-day three convention con con- assembling a delegation of ot 1000 to reent present resolutions opposing repeal or modification of ot national prohibition to congress Bishop James Cannon Jr who last week approved the Hie basic principle of ot former Governor Byrds Byrd's plan for los a of the people of ot constitutional changes was called caled on to expand his views on the amendment topic for the benefit of ot the prohibition supporting worn women en Mrs Henry Heny W W. Peabody of Beverly Mass Mas leader of ot the group reported to the convention that we do not fear fearIn fearIn fearIn In the least the result reul of an honest public vote in a referendum but proceeded proceeded pro pro- ceded to assert that such a reub mission of ot prohibition was without precedent and unnecessary and that the group did fear the methods and the money of the men and women who are now shouting and scheming for forthe forthe forthe the repeal or nullification of the federal federal fed fed- eral cral law Jaw Accompanying the convention was the display of n a prohibition fair an exhibit of oC all al the benefits claimed for prohibition and the evils evil of liquor An old time old saloon complete down downto to brass ra rail and rows of ot bottles bottes with wih labels though not the contents was a feature of the show I I |