Show C. C URGES US CONTROL oral ral Regulation of Motor Motoi Traffic Traffic Traffic Jars ars in Interstate fic Held Desirable Desirable- tB B Br Associated ASHINGTON April 18 The 18 The In ate te commerce commission today federal regulation o of 01 jr r r vehicles engaged In interstate nerce cree and that railroads and wanes waneS wa nes nes be encouraged to use the pub tc IC commissions commission's decision in the thea thet f recommendations which are a t Q to be transmitted to con con- S. S makes the following findings that bat at transportation by motor vc- vc IK 3 buses and trucKS over the pub pub- highways is Is within certain diss dis- dis res eI s and in certain respects a suhr su- su L hr lor service and that the rail ran and andler andr ander ler er r lines should be encouraged in inI I use of this Instrumentality of oi wherever such use will l merce mote more efficient operation or trove the public service hat there is substantial compell- compell 1 i between rail and water carriers the one hand and md motor carriers the other for the transportation of li h passengers and freight and that I i competition is increasing That such competition is con con- ted Iud under conditions of inequality in regard to regulation CAUSE That hat a contributing cause aside n fl the general business conditions he ic present unsatisfactory financial of the railroads Is the exist exist- e i of unrestrained competition b by byJ byLI J Ll transportation agencies That Chat there Is today and probably ild lId be under normal conditions an aness I ess of carrying capacity of exist exist- transportation facilities I That hat unrestrained competition is imp solution of the present problem and is in com ble ible with the aims of coordination ler er regulation That the federal legislation relate to the regulation of motor vehicles rating upon the public highways engaged in interstate commerce in the public Interest he commissions commission's decision brings close an investigation which has hasi Ii i 1 under wider way for the last five rs eo Co o J. J Flynn an examiner who 1 i Commissioner Brainerd cond con- con ted d the investigation several ago submitted a proposed re- re recommending regulations of ks and buses te be ic commissions commission's decision carries his recommendations to a large largent nt IE KS BASTE HASTE SLOWLY that the federal govern- govern It t is wholly Inexperienced in this I of ot regulation the commission it deemed it it wise to make snake makee e slowly ur recommendation is there there- said the report that congress ride ide at once to put federal regulate regula regula- to te the test so far as of passengers by bj motor buses isern is ern d This would provide an which would serve as a eus for or such uch further steps in mo- mo vehicle regulation as experience added information may show to and practicable fe Vc also recommend that immedi- immedi be exercised over motor ks kt of both the common carrier contract type to the extent to to locate locale those which are arc operate in interstate commerce and ob- ob from them such information in rd to their operations as the com com- lion ion ion ma may reasonably require n. n this way data will be secured h h. h as the legal situation clarifies be of great aid in pointing the the theto to further urther regulation in the pub pub- ur recommendations therefore t t be regarded In the light of ot a aress tress ress rep report rt The They do not cover utmost which we wc believe will ulti ulti- Jy ely prove necessary and desirable e way of federal regulation of mo- mo vehicles They represent merely first fInt step which we believe is and practicable to take under hag ing g conditions |