Show ST ST. PAUL CHEERS GOV ROOSEVELT ST. ST PAUL Minn April 18 UP UP- UP Governor Franklin D D. D Roosevelt received received received re re- an nn enthusiastic welcome today as he arrived here to open his middle western campaign for the Democratic presIdential residential nomination More than 2000 persons cheered atthe athe at atthe the he union station when the New York executive began his parade to his hotel headquarters Tonight Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt will make his first political in his I speech outside of New York campaign for the nomination Only a handful of spectators and reporters reporters reporters re re- porters were on hand when the governors governor's goy gov pr private prate ate car pulled Into the sta lion ion at 7 05 a. a m. m The throng grew rapidly however Adolph and Otto Bremer leading northwest bankers and Democrats and Joseph Wolf Minnesota's national democratic committeeman were Inthe in inthe the he official delegation to see the gov- gov The governor and his party went to o the subbasement to get into automobiles automobiles automo- automo biles iles to carry them to the Hotel Lowry When the cars swung in front of f the station a cheer was given for Roosevelt Along Roberts street the governor was loudly applauded A crowd of greeted the parade Governor Roosevelt smiled and offered of of- ered to ro shake hands with nil all those who came forward Some old timers pointed to the old Roosevelt smile of f T T. R R. R when they saw the presidential ial possibility |