Show i Wall Wal Street i Briefs I n YORK April 15 FIgured 15 In pr- pr per per- tun last lit weeks week's eek Apri recovery In prices prIce of ot etcie and md power v a as a one 1 i the te it the m market h has witnessed In Ui ee mi ae time tir Following the announcement action to deal wih the Insull Insul wag ea ai crisis the acton Electric Bond Dond and nd Shares Share's arrangements for lor cx- cx I e-I x- x the loins loans of 01 Its Us subsidiary Amena Amen Amen- Aul fa a and nc Power prices of some of 01 W e low 10 priced I Issues sues doubled their market m Inc how- how ce In common with other tr u. th the ul rally was not fully m maintained to toM M 0 end of the week steel tel scrap lUP markets are a softer soften KM e in sympathy thY with the continued low tow rate rte of oZ o steel plants Heavy Hlay melt melt- mel mel- W r sold od Ild In the mid midwest west m marI mar mar- W tl I at it 1675 to 7 a ton compared with 7 1 1 E TS previously u 17 |