Show Massie Stoical as Prosecutor Continues Stiff Examination Cross By DAN CAMPBELL United d Press Staff Correspondent COURTROOM Honolulu T. T H. H April 18 18 Tense Tense but stoically Lieutenant Lieu Lieu- tenant Thomas IL Massie who with his lis mother mother-in mother law law Mrs Grace Hubard Hubbard Hubbard Hub- Hub bard ard Fortescue and two sailors is charged with the honor murder of Joe Kahahawai K half caste native returned returned re turned to the witness stand today and again went under the searching crossfire crossfire cross fire of Prosecutor John Kelley Kelley questioned Massie about the night his wife wile was attacked What time did you oU and Mrs Massic Massie Massic Mas- Mas sic sie arrive at inn he asked Massie testified earlier that It was when Mrs Massie left a n dance at the thenn Inn nn that she was attacked About he said How many were In your our party part Six Kelley then forced Massie to admit ad ad- nit mit he took a pint of liquor to the thel Inn nn The lieutenant admitted it reluctantly reluctantly reluctantly and also said he served one drink before leaving homeI home I 1 served a drink at the inn after asking the orchestra to play Pal o 0 while she pleaded for mercy Kelley tried to fix the exact time of their arrival I wasn't much interested In the time Massie said I 1 was enjoying myself How did didou you ou fix the time of Mrs Massies Massie's departure Someone at the party told me Massie testified under strict examination exam exam- that when Mrs Massies Massie's absence absence ab ab- ab sence was discovered he be and a fellow officer started searching for lor her He found her home he said She was hysterical She had been attacked Her jaws were broken Kahahawai answered her with a blow while she pleaded for tor merc mercy Mrs Massie may follow her husband husband husband hus hus- band on the stand |