Show Club Club Holds I Last The last dance o of the season of the Saturday Night Dancing club dub was held at the Ladies' Ladies Literary club on Saturday night A box supper preceded pre preceded ceded the dance The members of ot the club wore old fashioned costumes and md supper was served at tables covered with old fashioned colored tablecloths tablecloths table table- cloths centered with bowls of ot old fashioned dl daisies The annual election of ot officers was also held Milton E. E Lipman was WitS elected president Orin W. W Bradshaw reelected vice president and Mrs C C. T T. Worley secretary The hosts and hostesses for the evening evening eve eve- ning were Mr and Mrs V. V P. P Strange Mr and Mrs F F. M M. Gray Mr and Mrs George T. T Hansen Mr and Mrs M. M E. E Lipman Mr and Mrs S. S A A. Kennedy and Dr and Mrs L. L J. J Paul Lambda chapter Delphian will meet Tuesday at al the Newhouse hotel The subject will be The Rome We Inherited with Mrs l W. W WH H. H Curr Curry as leader Topics for tor report arc Monuments of Imperial Rome Mrs I A. A H. H Ivory The Family of Caesar as Emperors Mrs N N. D Thatcher The Flavian ian Line Mrs Elias Smith Five Good Emperors Mrs Lester i Freed Pa Pagan an God and Christian Emperor Mrs A. A G. G Wallin The o of the Empire Mrs Fred Braining Breining Pythian Sisters will hold their regular reg ular card party Tuesday at 2 p. p mat m m. at K o of P P. hall hail Ladies Ladies' auxiliary to O. O S. S L. L Old Timers' Timers club dub No 3 1 will meet for or luncheon Tuesday with Mrs M. M I. I L L. Crabtree Eighth East street at 1 p. p m. m Cards will follow Mrs C. C E Bullock is in charge o of arran arran- arrange ments The regular meeting of ot the Wasatch Literary club dub will be held at the Newhouse New New- house louse hotel Tuesday at al 2 p. p m. m This will cill be arts and crafts craUs section day dayn in n the general club A program on with Indian Art has been arranged Mrs W. W S. S Taylor chairman o of the section in charge with stereopticon views b by Henrietta K Burton supervisor super visor isor of home extension work of ot the Indian bureau The musical program under the di dl of ot Mrs A A. A E. E Kennelly will consist of two to selections by the Wasatch Wa Wasatch sa satch h club chorus a By the Waters of o by Thurlon Thurion Lieurance Lieu Lieu- ranee rance with sung by Mrs G G. D. D Streeter b Sunrise and You b. b by Arthur A. A Penn Mrs Mr W. W J. J Loomis will be the accompanist Mrs G G. D D. Streeter director A special number will be given by little Hazel Dawn Burt Durt who will be accompanied b by Mrs A. A H. H Burt An exhibit o of the work done by the section lon will be In charge of ot Mrs T TE Ta E E. Rowan Rovan and Mrs E Earl rl Schofield who will be assisted by the following following follow follow- ing in subcommittees Mrs E E. A. A Bock painting Mrs R. R R. R Thoma transparent painting Mrs R. R T. T Sallis paper craft and tooled and painted velvet Mrs Ernest UrIen needlework needlework needle needle- work Mrs W. W C. C A. A Vissing Indian handicraft The exhibit will be open olen at 1 p. p m m. and guests will wm be admitted by guest cards Following the program the club will give sIve a 3 tea honoring the past presidents Mrs J. J R. R Clinton and md the entertainment committee will be bein bein bein in char charge e. e The re regular rehearsal of oC the club chorus will vill be held at the studio o ol of the director Mrs G. G D. D Streeter 24 4 South Main street Tuesday at 1130 a. a m. m Mrs Irs W. W J J. J Loomis is accompanist accompanist and Mrs A. A E. E chairman chair chair- man The auxiliary to the E. E A. A Wedgwood Wedge Wedgewood wood camp U U. S. S W. W V. V will meet Tuesday at 8 B p p. p m. m at althe the chamber of or commerce Susannah E Eaton camp mp Daughters of or Civil War Veterans will wUl meet at 2 p. p m. m Thursday in I I. I O. O O. O F. F hall ball I 5 |