Show I SHINE FOR AGGIE TRACK TRACI SQUAD a Is Isic 1 r c ic J r V VI I IV V I t it itI I 7 a j r 5 r-i r fine now Ill I'll be able to live around that follow fellow smiled Coach Dick Romney of ot Utah A tIes when word came across the Ute Stadium Saturday that Everett Campbell left had broken the state record in the shot-put shot with a n toss of 45 feet leet 8 2 1 Inches Weve been drilling him on form a n lot and anti telling him for two weeks that hed he'd soon be tossing it t a foot farther than ever He was beginning to believe we were kidding him Glen right hails from Heber City and did dida a good Job of winning the two-mile two run for the Farmers shortly after running well In the mile I. I |