Show Mob Lynches Fiend 1 Who Murdered Girl Armed Men Seize Slayer From Front Jail and Hang Him From Limb of Tree TreeBy By Dy Associated Press I ST. ST FRANCIS Kas Kas April 18 Mob 18 Mob vengeance today claimed the life Ufe of Richard Read 53 confessed attacker and slayer of year old Dorothy Hunter Hunte Read who l ho was protected twice Saturday Sat from rapidly forming mobs by bya a thinking quick plains sheriff was located in the Cheyenne county jail where he had been hidden away A mob estimated at heavily armed men motored swim swiftly Into St Sl Francis late last night seized Sheriff A A. A A. Bacon and Deputy Deput J H. H obtained the keys to the jail and departed with their prisoner i Leaving St St. Francis the automobile automobile automo automo- bile bUe caravan headed eastward toward Seldon 75 miles away home of ot the schoolgirl victim and her attacker SWINGS TO DOOM DOOn About midway between the two small towns and near Atwood the motorists halted A rope was suspended suspended suspended sus sus- sus- sus from a tree and Read W was lS swung s to his doom Only a few miles away In Atwood was Governor Harry II H Woodring of Kansas who arrived today on a political political po po- po campaign tour Police officers of ot Rawlins county of which Atwood Is the county seat failed to intercept the mob when the caravan left the main highway An unidentified member of ot the mob telephoned Charles E. E coroner of Rawlins county who left for the scene to take charge of the body TOWN STARTLED The seizure of at Read a n bachelor farmer and former Colorado convict was not entirely unexpected but startled startled star stare tIed the little littIe county scat town to with Its suddenness I TOPEKA Kan April 18 P Ro P-Ro Ro Roland Roland land Boynton states state's attorney general gen sen eral oral left this morning for Atwood to tomake tomake tol make a person personal ill investigation of ot the lynching of Richard Read confessed attacker and slayer of ot 8 year old year old Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Dor Dor- othy Hunter |