Show SELF SElF DENIAL URGED en BY L. L D. D D t s. s S SOCIETY I Hearing a a. fervent plea pica from their president Mrs Louise Y Robison for tor denial self to aid the destitute winter members of the theL L. L D. D S S. S ReU Relief f society ended th their lr semian semiannual nual conference Thursday In the assembly embly hall Mrs Robison declared the task tuk facing the society this winter one of the most difficult ever to confront the organization and that every member must deny some luxury to aid the needy Joseph Joeeph Fielding Smith of ot the tho twelve apostles spoke on the rearing of at children Ho declared children are wayward because of destroyed confidence In their parents parent He urged mothers to maintain an attitude attitude attitude atti atti- tude of prayer In their homes bomes exercise exercise exer exer- exercise cise supervision over the books th their lr children read Tead their associations and the mu music dc they hear Other speakers were Mrs Amy Brown Lyman and Mrs Julia A. A Child ChUd counselors to Mrs Robison Mrs Mn Julia A. A F. F Lund general Relief society secretary and David A. A Smith of the presiding bishopric of ot the L. L D. D S. S church Miss Ellen Lombard of or the United States department of or education at nt Washington D. D C. C wilt will be the speaker at the Primary association conference Saturday at 7 p p. p m. m In Inthe Inthe inthe the assembly hall ball I |