Show M S. S H F. F FREISER EISE TO TIKE TAKE POST MOND Y Becomes County Recorder Contingent on Courts Court's Signing Decree Mrs Helen F. F Reiser Republican will take office Monday as county recorder contingent on Judge David V V. signing a n. new decree and nd vacating the certificate of election elec- elec tion lon he ho ordered Issued several months ago to Miss Jessie Evans Democrat it was stated Friday The announcement came carne after Attorney Attorney At- At torney orney H. H C. C Allen representing Mrs Reiser fil filed d the r remittitur from the supreme court at the tho county clerks clerk's office sh showing wing wing- the higher court has decided the recorder post belongs to Mrs Reiser Mr Allen stated he would have havethe the he new decree in form for Judge Moffat to sign when the Judge re- re urns to the he bench Saturday Preparatory to day ay Mrs Reiser conferred with the Republican county committee to decide dedde deide de- de ide cide on nearly 27 new appointments which will be made the made in the recorders recorder's office There are are re more than applications ap- ap for lor the tho 27 appointments on n file with Mrs Reiser Beiser and the S committee Mrs Reiser said she d did d not nol Intend intend In- In tend end to keep more than two or three ot of f the present of the office |